𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

Start from the beginning

Toni's head fell on the blonde's shoulder again, which ended up with Addie stroking her tied back hair before she spoke again, "I don't have a best friend or any real friends, but I've seen you and Marty together. That's more than friendship, you two are like sisters. And sisters always make up. So, if you two are as close as I think you are. You'll get over this little bump in no time"

"But what if we're not" Toni piped up insecurely before clarifying "as close as you think we are"

"You are, I can feel it. And my feelings are always right." Addie reassured.

The pair sat there in contented silence for a while before Addie remembered the competition and the Takis.

"Come on. You have a shelter to build and a competition to win. If you don't make a badass shelter. Everyone will totally know that I was not an impartial judge if I let you win with a crappy shelter." Addie reminded her crush who made no move to get up other than moving her head off the blonde's shoulder.

"Okay, but if you're not back soon. I'm just gonna come back to bug you again" Addie shrugged at the girl before she walked off passing Shelby on her way.


Addie was in the water watching the two teams when Toni returned looking a lot more upset than she did when Addie left.

A few words looked to be exchanged between the warrior group before Nora was on the ground and Toni was wrecking the shelter with an axe.

Martha walked away as Addie got to where Dot's team were. Toni turned to Shelby in anger as she breathed heavily before her attention turned to the other blonde and she looked almost apologetic but Addie didn't know what to do or say and kind of looked helplessly on at the scene. Toni ran once she looked like she has realised what she had done.


Addie was sitting right on the edge of the shelter the visor team had made as they ate the Takis.

"Well, it's humble, but it's home." Dot commented with the Takis in her hand that she offered to Shelby.

"That's all right. We didn't win." Shelby rejected the chips feeling guilty at the idea of eating them without earning them.

"Who cares. We're all in this clusterfuck together" Dot scoffed and Shelby graciously took the Takis taking one and offering the pack to Martha who then offered one to Riley who took them before returning them to Dot.

"Ugh. Not as good as I thought they'd be." Dot commented as they all ate the dry chips.

"Maybe we built them up in our heads" Addie tried to find a reason as to why the chips weren't as good as usual.

"All I taste is dry" Leah commented with the pack in her hand.

"Hey, mind if I have some?" Rachel asked and Leah offered her the bag before Rachel snidely added "and I'll be careful not to make any sudden movements, you know? You might be pretty jumpy sitting next to a psychopath."

"Does anyone have any spare drinks they could loan me?" Fatin asked tapping the empty can in her hand. "I just tapped out"

𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐝| 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐨𝐞 (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now