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WHEN HE SLIPS INTO THE CASTLE, he takes a second to make sure no one saw or heard him. When he's assured, he continues on his path. It's obvious to him that he must head towards the highest point, because that's where they'll be.

More soldiers patrol down the corridor he's stood in, so he quickly glances around, and heads into a random room to wait for them to pass. He doesn't expect to hear a voice.

"You surely live up to what they say"

Zamir's shoulders straighten, and he readies himself to come up with something to torture the person with terror. But he stops once he sees the woman smiling, stood beside a tall window with leaves carved upon the glass. It's a warm smile, like a mother proud of her child's achievement.

Her words stall him. He wants to question what she meant, but knows it's better to stay silent.

The woman walks towards him. "But I must ask, why did you have to kill my men?"

All thoughts of staying silent go out the window.

"Your men?"

Laughter erupts from her mouth, thought it's clear she isn't really amused. "You don't think a woman is capable of commanding men?"

"Women are capable of leading. But I didn't think you'd send your men to kill me when you just said I live up to what 'they' say" he points out.

She shakes her head, lips still upturned. "I didn't send them to kill you. I wanted to get the four of you, to keep you all safe"

"And why's that?" The heavy distrust controls his thoughts.

"You're all precious. And as Ruler of Eternis, I ensure that anything precious is kept safe"

Zamir's eyes narrow. He stole one of the daggers that was attached to one of the dead soldiers' body. He hid it behind him. Slyly, he reaches his hand to grasp the handle.

His body begins to tick, counting down the seconds until he'll explode. "What makes you think we're so precious?" he questions.

No one apart from the very people him and the others have been hiding from, would know who and what him and his friends are.

The woman tilts her head to the side, observing him with her dark eyes. The light from the fire lit in the room, recreates an illusion of golden sparks flickering amongst her irises. "Something about your aura"

What was counting down in Zamir explodes, detonating with rancor. And before he can lunge forwards, she bursts into laughter. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you. She would never forgive you"

Zamir freezes, his body in shock from the build up of adrenaline to the sudden drop of it. Like being night up in the sky, then suddenly dropped, tumbling down and down back to the earth.


She knows she's got his full attention. And that's what she aimed for. "She should be with you. Is she safe?" she demands.

Zamir shakes his head, furiously. "How the fuck do you know her?"

"Don't dismiss my question nor speak with disrespect. Is Aura safe?"

Before he can decide to ignore her, she blinks and all of a sudden, he collapses to the ground. His body shuts down, yet he'll keep on breathing and his heart will keep beating and his brain will keep on working.

THE MATTER MADE UP OF NOTHING.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora