"There you ar- Are you okay" she asks worriedly. "I'm fine i just um fell" I lied.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse you look like you got hurt pretty bad. Is that a slap mark i see on you cheek!" She gasps looking worried. I guess telling her the truth wouldn't hurt.

"Yah...Alice slapped me but if fine. I'm used to it" I whispered the last part to myself. "That little.... I'm gonna kill her". She said angrily. I was shocked with the way she said that, she acually looked like she meant the it.

Before I could stop her she got inside the cafeteria and went straight to Alice who was making out with Chase....again.
I ran up to them and was about to stop her but I decided not to this was my only chance to make Alice pay even if someone was doing it for me.

"You slut, how could you hurt you own sister I mean for crying out loud she is you sister... but what do I expect from a girl with a rock on the place were her heart is supposed to be". She shouted earning stares from the other students.

"Ooh did she hire you to come fight her battles, what a coward.  it's none of your business what I do with my sister right Gem I mean we wouldn't want daddy knowing about this now would we" she said with a smirk.

I was terrified infact I was horrified to what my dad would do, after he sent me to that bald man I knew he was capable of doing anything. "Umm Adeline I think you should calm down, let it go. Please". I whispered hoping she stops I don't want to get hit or get raped again.

"fine only because you asked me, but if you hurt her I promise you, you will wish you were never born". She then pulled me and made me sit.

Why was she even defending me...is this how friends treat each other.
"Thank you" I whispered to her, she just nodded. "Okay so what was that all about" Chase finally asks after Alice left in a fit of anger. "Well your ma- I mean Gem here was slapped  by your wonderful girlfriend" Adeline said looking at Chase with an annoyed look.

Chase looked at me with anger in his eyes and is that worry I see in his eyes? I quickly looked down not wanting to look into his eyes anymore.

After lunch we went back to class. 30 minutes into the lesson Alice stood up from her chair and gave me a quick glare then walked to the front of the class and said something that I couldn't hear to Mr Dayman.

"Gem can you follow me out of the class with your bag you too Alice" Mr Dayman said with a serious edge to his voice.

I stood up with my bag and followed Alice and Mr Dayman outside the class. "Gem, Alice has informed me that her bracelet which was given to her by her grandmother was stolen and she said she suspects that you may have taken it do you mind allowing Alice to look into your bag".

I was shocked at how many Lies were in the sentence Mr Dayman said. First of all our grandma died a few years ago and secondly she was a very strict and greedy woman she doesn't just give things away. I gave Alice my bag because I don't remember stealing any braclets.

After a few seconds of her
searching she took a bracelet out of my bag with a smug smirk.

"Aah so you did steal it Gem, I'm sorry but it is against the rules to steal other people's property I will have to give you detention after school for an hour. Now go back to class" He said with disappointment.

Alice just walked in class with a evil smirk and then it hit me she sabotaged me. I wasn't shocked that she would do such a thing, and as much as I wanted justice, I had nothing to prove my innocents. I would be fighting a losing battle.

I got into class and Mr Dayman continued teaching while Chase was looking at me then back at Alice with a confused look. I couldn't concentrate in class because i was scared that I would be late at home.

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