"Why were you at the estate? What did Akito do?" Yuki questioned with a darkened expression while Sara green eyes widened at the question.

'That's what this is about' Sara thought looking into his dark concerned eyes 'This is about him' Sara thought before she signed 

"I didn't see him, My parents went for a business meeting" Sara spoke while Yuki still continued ot look at him "My mum wanted me to come to understand business meeting. I didn't even see this Akito or anyone else. I waited outside" Sara spoke while Yuki eyes widened slightly.

"Really?" Yuki questioned letting his hand fall from the wall behind her while his concerned face also fell while Sara simple looked at him. 

"Yes" Sara spoke with a slight smile on her face while Yuki only signed before backing away from the dark haired girl while he rubbed his head. 

"That's a relief, sorry for suddenly dragging you away" Yuki signed rubbing the back of his head, his cheeks red in embarrassment while Sara simple looked at him.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. You were just worried right?" Sara questioned causing the silver haired to stiffen before he slightly looked away with a blush appearing on his cheeks. 

"Y-Yeah" Yuki muttered looking away before his eyes widened "We have to get back, we need to talk to the rest of the council before class" Yuki stated before Sara looked up and smiled at her. 

"You go ahead Yuki, I have to pick up something" Sara slightly smiled before Yuki nodded and walked away. Sara looked at his back watching him walk away.

'I'm sorry Yuki, i just didn't want to worry you' Sara thought before she looked down, fear written on her face as she clenched her fist tightly. 

"Thank you for seeing us" A man stated, he had short black hair as well as blue shinning eyes as he wore a suit and sat on his knee's bowing. 

"Yes, Thank you" Mrs Kato smiled as she bowed towards the person though her dark eyes soon turned towards the spot next to her while Sara's eyes widened before she bowed as well. 

"T-Thank you" Sara stuttered bowing her head, she stiffened once she heard the rustle of movement before Sara looked up to meet piercing dark eyes.

"Sara Kato right?" the voice echoed causing the three people to stiffen. Sara looked towards the man before she gulped.

"Yes" She simple answered looking up to see his dark hair, though Sara turned towards the kimono that the man wore before she looked to meet with daring eyes 

"I'm Akito, Head of the Sohma house but you know that already don't you?" Akito stated smirking at the girl though the dark haired teenager simple nodded

"Ahem, Sohma about the business plans" Mr Kato mumbled looking at the young man before the said man turned glaring towards him.

"I will agree to business partnership, i'm not the one who deals with that though" Akito stated boredom hinted in his voice as he walked away from the group 

"Thank you" Mr Kato bowed towards the man while his wife and child followed though they stopped once Akito laughed

"I have one condition though" Akito stated turning towards them with a wide smile on his face while the whole family shuddered 

"Sell Sara to me"

"W-What?!" Mr Kato exclaimed eyes wide looking at the head of the Sohma estate who simple walked towards the window and looking out. 

"Sara" Mrs Kato mumbled eyes wide looking towards her daughter who simple sat there eyes wide looking towards the floor while the mothers eyes filled with concern before turning to see her husbands wide eyes.

"I will give you time to think" Akito smirked before he turned back around to meet the family with a glare in his eyes. 

'I know i shouldn't lie about your family to you Yuki' Sara thought before she turned away and walked down the corridor 'But you already have stuff on your mind' Sara finished. 

Sara sat at a wooden desk that laid in the corner of a room that held a wide large white bed that rested next to a window. Sara read a book that sat on the table as well as writing notes, Her concentration was soon cut off by a knock of the door. 

"Come in" Sara spoke as she still looked towards her book as the door open, Sara eyes darted to the side though they widened once they saw a women with long dark hair.

"M-Mother" Sara stuttered standing up abruptly as she looked at her mother who simple wore a monotone express as she simple sat at the end of the bed. 

"I wanted to discuss the Sohma's with you" The women spoke while the dark haired teenager stiffened as she gripped the pen in her hand while she looked down. 

"You should know, we have no intention of selling you, not to the Sohma's or any one else" The women spoke causing the teenager eyes to wide as she gasped looking up to meet her mother eyes staring at her with a soften expression. 

"W-What?" Sara questioned as she let her pen fall on the desk and fully turned to meet her mother. 

"I know me and your father, Haven't well been the best" The woman began while Sara eyes widened "But you are our daughter and we do care for you. In my own way i have just wanted the best for you" The mother stated 

"I've realized you aren't me and you don't want a life like me. So Sara i want you to go out and live the life you want" Mrs Kato spoke with a smile

"Thank you mother" Sara spoke with a soft smile while the women also wore a slight smile as she stood up and made her way to the door

"Sara" The mother spoke while the Dark haired teenagers eyes darted towards her mother

 "I'm sorry"

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