I glanced up at him, coyly meeting his otherworldly crimson stare with a playful smirk. "Oh, I was just thinking about what an otherworldly kisser you are." My shoulders slightly bounced with a shrug.

His brows furrowed in confusion and a flicker of concern flashed in his eyes. "Do I not kiss as a human does?"

With a featherlight touch, I reached up and cupped his stubbly cheek. "Well no, you don't exactly kiss like a human would. But that's why I like your kisses the best."

Even the oppressive abyssal darkness seemed to lighten up around him from how bright his beaming smile suddenly became upon hearing that. "You think I give the best kisses?"

"Oh yes, they're definitely the best- Oof!" 

He excitedly swooped me up, squishing my body against his like Pepe Le Pew strangling that poor unfortunate cat. "Then I shall give you endless kisses every day!" He proclaimed right before crashing his lips back to mine with a playful growl. 

The black wisping willows swayed with sadness all around, while little specks of ash swirled through the air like a flurry of snowflakes. My hands lightly caressed over his shirtless upper body, as we continued to kiss and hug one another in the dark abyssal orchard among the disintegrative ruins for a long while. 

Eventually, I began to softly pant, completely out of breath from all our passionate kissing. Already feeling a bit exhausted despite getting plenty of sleep, I limply collapsed against his giant muscular frame, squishing my cheek just below his chest. A large hand rested above my butt, while his other arm slithered around my upper back. He happily hummed in satisfaction, holding my enervated, sweaty, and bedraggled body against his as though I were the most precious thing in the abyss to him. 

Soothing vibrations gently thrummed from his chest as it subtlely rose and fell with his intentional breathing. I lightly placed my hand over his lifeless heart, feeling oddly comforted by its unsettling stillness and silence. 

The strange smelling ashen wind gently caressed my skin as I vacantly peered over at a willowy tree, watching how the mournfully swaying branches tickled the cheerless flowers below. Then my eyes questioningly squinted as I closely observed some particularly strange-looking blooms quivering in the dismal darkness. 

From what I could see, the slender black stalk split into two stems, leading up to what looked like twin coneflowers. The black centers of the cones were each topped by a tiny bead-like point, with the thick pale purple petals curving down into a nicely rounded shape. They quivered in the breeze, adorning the dark grass beneath the willowy tree with their flowery presence.

"Oh my god!" I perked up with an amused goofy grin. "Those flowers look just like a pair of tits!"

"Um, what?" Valarendrik stiffened while nervously glancing around.

A musical laugh chimed from my lips as I left his embrace to happily skip over to them. "These right here!" I excitedly parted the wispy willow branches then pointed down at them. "Don't they look just like boobs!?"

His crimson gaze quickly flickered to the flowers, then swiftly shifted away as though it were forbidden to look at them or something. "Oh, I've um, never noticed." He awkwardly replied with a rigidly straightened back while scratching the back of his head.

My knees pressed to the grassy ashen ground as I knelt before them, finding them absolutely hilarious... This is by far the funniest thing I've seen in a while... Valarendrik silently glided over, kneeling with his large thighs on either side of me. "This is just too funny!" I loudly laughed while lewdly sticking my pointer finger between a pair.

Illuminating the Dark Princeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें