Umi-chu (Sinewave and William: Reunion)

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William Holt belongs to umi-chu

Umi-chu: On this very special day, William had taken it upon himself to do something nice for his dear friend, Sinewave. He had been in the present for some time now, and while he still hadn't completely gotten used to everything that was now considered the norm, at the very least he was confident enough to go out and buy things on his own. Which is exactly what he did. A few days prior, while Sinewave was busy at work, the male went on a trip to the shopping centre to buy some decorations and parts to make a small gift; specifically, a music box that would play the 'Happy Birthday' song. It was surprisingly difficult for him to hide everything and make sure the automaton wouldn't find any of the items, which is why he was so thankful when her birthday finally rolled around. No more hiding anything.
He made sure to get up extra early so that he had time to prepare everything before Sinewave herself got up as well, though thankfully there wasn't too much he needed to do in the first place. The decorations William bought were eye-catching, but also simple. They were gold and silver in colour with some having a metallic shine to them. The mini party was set up in the lounge room, with streamers and small party banners being hung on the walls, some balloons positioned in each corner, and, most notably, William's gift, which had been wrapped in gold wrapping paper and topped with a silver bow, then placed on the coffee table with a small card that read 'Happy birthday, Sinewave'. Overall, the setup was practically as basic as it could get, but that was the whole point. While it was a huge milestone in Sinewave's life, William thought she'd appreciate a small celebration more than an over the top one. He could only hope he was right as he made sure everything was in place and sat down in one of the armchairs. All that was left now was to wait for the female to join him.

Sinewave hadn't thought much about whether William would remember that her birthday was coming up or not. She knew he knew the date. It was funny; they had met in 1858, and if they had met just a year before they did, he could have celebrated her 100th birthday with her. And since then, he had missed her sesquicentennial, her bicentennial and her quarter-millennial. Of course, now that she knew that he was an immortal vampire, a similar thing probably applied to him too.
All of this was really the extent to which Sinewave had thought about whether William would remember her birthday. She didn't make much of a big thing of it, since she'd had so many, and she figured the same must apply to William too. She'd been busy working right up to the day in question-more things seemed to need repairing or installing in winter than in any other season, even if you didn't count Christmas light displays-so her focus had been directed elsewhere anyway.
On the morning of her birthday, she headed downstairs after a night spent in her workshop tinkering with some electronics. She could tell that William had been in there recently, but really, she'd have been surprised if he /hadn't/ taken the opportunity to explore it while she was out. Upon arriving at the lounge, she was most surprised to see all the decorations William had put up, and she saw the card and present on the table too. It pleased her greatly, and brought back memories of the birthdays she had celebrated with William. It did make her lament the fact that he had /just/ missed her centennial and had been absent for those other big milestone birthdays had she had celebrated since, but that feeling was gone when she saw him in the armchair, and recalled how grateful she had been when she had found out that he was in fact alive after so many years assuming the opposite. She picked up the card; it was really quite lovely and she could tell that a lot of thought was put into it.
"Thank you, William," she said to him. "I truly was not expecting this." She then turned her attention to the present, carefully unwrapping it to reveal the music box. So /that/ was what he'd been using her workshop for. She gently wound it up and listened to it play Happy Birthday. It was a beautiful present, and of course it was not surprising that this was the sort of thing William would give her.
"Thank you," she said to him again, thinking of all the time and effort that must have gone into preparing all of the decorations, the card and the touching handmade gift, as well as of how grateful she was to just have her dear old friend back after all these years, and to be here celebrating her birthday with him. Today aught to be a celebration of that as much as it was of Sinewave herself.


Hi Umi-chu,
Thanks for doing the birthday response; I don't mind that it was a bit late, and I hope you're feeling better.
You've been an awesome roleplay partner so far and it's also neat to meet a fellow Aussie!
I'm really enjoying our roleplay and the dynamic of William and Sinewave having been old friends that have just been reunited; it's actually very appropriate here of all places given the poem/song from which this book takes its name.
I can't wait to see where things will go from here with the potential drama we've discussed and how they will resolve it. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your responses especially given how many RPs you have going. It means a lot to me :)

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