Snow Coming Alive

Start from the beginning

Ace: " Being there will suck tho Me and Roco will have to find a way to reserve our food."

I keep thinking out loud until I reach the shore.I see Roco still laying down in the same place. I walk towards him. I stop moving when I am close to him.

Ace: " Hey Roco let's get going."

Roco growls softly then slowly stands up,he follows up with stretching his legs and wings. I swore I heard him purr while he was stretching. After he was done he moved his eyes signaling me to get on. I climb onto his back sitting down on the saddle.I grip on the saddle on soon enough we are flying up into the air. The winds making my air go wild feels fantastic, I always miss flyin around even if it's been a couple of minutes.I take a deep breath of the fresh air.

We were still flying in the sky,the color of the sky turned from blue to orange and I have to say it was a beautiful sky like something you would see in a dream. The air did get colder so that means we are closer to the island most because I can see it in the water just below us. I pat the side of Roco's neck signaling him to go down. We slowly lower ourselves to the island. While lowering ourselves Roco was going in a circle thanks to that I can get a better vision of the island. I sigh with relief not seeing any sign of people well that was until I saw smoke coming from near the center of the island. Anger ran through my body.

Ace: "Dang just when they day was going well."

You guys are probably thinking it's just smoke at the center why don't you go somewhere else on the island and I am but us human are curious from how big the smoke cloud it is there are more than a couple so some will explore the island to check if its safe they are also at the center so they have the ground so we will close to then anywhere we land and so I will have to be on guard which will keep Roco on guard then that will affect our flights for a couple of days. Which means we won't be able to fly as far as we can. Know you guys know why it is such a big deal. It affects our effectiveness we are having right now. We land on the island when I get off of Roco my feet slightly sink in the snow. Roco and I look at each other then at the smoke which we can still see. I draw my hand near my axe making sure it's still on me just in case of a fight.

The sun was gone from the sky leaving tiny light and the moon me and Roco were laying down close to each other on his unique fire. It would usually burn me but with the coldness in the air and the ground it was perfectly warm.That still could get me to sleep, I was still wide away with my hand on the axe ready for it to be used. I don't know how long I was but It was still dark and my body was aching to move. Then I heard a roar in the distance. I jumped up and Roco did as well. I had the axe in hand ready to swing and Roco was ready to charge. We stood still for a while still hearing the sound of the roar. Then it went quiet. The only thing we could hear was the wind pushing us. We stood there even till I couldn't feel my hands. We didn't know if the thing that roared was gone but when I looked where the smoke was it was gone. Something attacked them in the night. Which made me even more nervous about this island. Roco and I lay down again. And soon I closed my eyes.

I wake up to the wailing of the wind in my ear and cold as ice snow stinking my face. I opened my eyes seeing snow falling at a quick speed,thanks to that I could barely see what was in front of me. I feel Roco getting closer to me. I'm guessing because it's colder now. I was about to go to sleep. I hear Roco growling loudly. I look over to him and he is slowly getting up. Which makes me nervous,something must be in this snow storm. I as well slowly get up. Roco and I are now standing and I am slowly getting on the saddle. Roco keeps growling louder and deeper which tells me what he is growling at is close, but I can't see anything thanks to this snow storm. Roco starts to spread out his wings. Whatever this thing is, it's making Roco want to get out of here and I have never seen him do that before. Then the screaming roar returned but louder then before I covered my ears in pain. Then in a blink of an eye I saw a White dragon lunge at us while Roco was going in the air. Know we are the air and I heard something crash in the snow and I heard that roar again. Then I realized it must be that dragon. Roco is zooming in the air. I had to latch on the saddle so I don't fall off. I heard a strange noise, then Roco spins to the left. Then I see something glowing blue fly straight past us then crashing into a wall of ice. I heard the strange noise again,I looked behind us seeing the same glowing blue light in the storm. The only thing I could think was,move.

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