13 : double coffee date.

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Seungyoun chuckled and showed me his phone which had his text history with Jungwon. I soon realised why he texted me that much.

"He thought I was in danger?", I said, having to hold my laughter. He's so cute.

"You know, you should remember to charge your phone, hyung. Jungwon called me, sounding panicked, asking if you were okay. It was kinda cute.", Seungyoun said with a chuckle.

Yeah, I can imagine how cute he was. Anyways, when can I see him again? It's been five months. The last time I saw him face to face was during a year end award show. I was presenting the award to them.

"Ah hyung, this might be good news for you."

I sat up and listened to him.

"Enhypen's label called me to check if you had a free schedule. They wanted you to attend a photoshoot for a famous magazine.", Enhypen? Isn't that Jungwon's group?

"They want me to be in a photoshoot with Jungwon's group? Why?", I was confused. I'm an actor not an Idol.

"You and Jungwon are set to star in a BL drama. The director of that drama called to confirm it with me.", A BL drama?! Me and Jungwon?! No way. Is this a dream?

"Wait, okay but when's the script reading? When am I meeting the other co-stars?"

"In a month. Jungwon already knows this so he wanted to tell you. That's one of the reason why he texted you so much."

I didn't even know I was starring in a BL drama. I've starred in two before and I loved it so I just told Seungyoun and my label to accept any offer they think is good.

"You really want to torture me with my feelings huh?", Seungyoun smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe you'll have the guts to confess when you both have to kiss during a scene~", He said in a singsong voice.

I really wanted to hit him. How dare he tease me like this.

"Yah, you're my manager. I can fire you anytime, you know that?"

"Please, you love me too much to fire me.", I sighed. I do. He does his job too well and I love him for it.

I decided to change the subject. I've been curious about that small black box Seungwoo left for him.

"What was in that black box? You both were so secretive with it that I'm scared to find out to be honest.", Seungyoun's cheeks flushed red. He's embarrassed.

"What? Is it like something embarrassing like you know..Wait, can it even fit in that small thing?", Seungyoun started laughing hysterically.

"Ah what is it?! Tell me already!", I said, frustrated.

Seungyoun held out his right hand and I saw a ring I didn't see on his finger before. I looked from the ring and his face.

"Was this it? A ring?", He nodded with a smile.

"Wow. I didn't know you guys were so goofy. What's so special about a ring?", Seungyoun gasped and before I knew it he started ranting.

"Hyung, he proposed to me with this ring! Of course it's special! I just happened to lose it and I was freaking out but Seungwoo told me it's fine and all but I didn't trust him and when you gave me the black box, I felt so happy that I could die-", Seungyoun paused and looked at me. I looked at him with an amused smile.

"Sometimes when you act like that, I can't help but think you're so cute. But Seungwoo would kill me if he heard that. Congrats on your proposal, Youn~", I ruffled his hair.

"Thank you, hyung. I'll root for you and Jungwon!", I glared at him as he grinned sheepishly.

Now that mystery is solved, I had other things to care about. Notably, my upcoming BL drama with Jungwon...


a/n : the bombshell has been dropped!
junseo is starring in a BL drama with jungwon! what do yall think will happen?
will they grow closer to each other and more than just step brothers?

My Ice Princeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن