🌸chapter 5🌸

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I can't write smut so you can imagine it.

Inkyubasu's POV

I'm really nervous. I mean apparently I have t suck the dick of a guy I just meet 1 hour ago.

25 minutes later

Ketsueki's POV

Inkyubasu just finished drinking my cum. My Sweetheart was really good at sucking my dick. (Don't question) I felt so amazing. I put back on my clothes. My beautiful, sweet, fiancé was blushing like crazy. I grab his pale hand and we go back to the ballroom. We go to our parents who were talking with eachother. My parents say, " Ketsueki do you want to stay with Inkyubasu for 3 days". Offcorc I say ,"Yes". I'm happy I get to be with my Sweetheart for 3 days.

After the ball.

We go to my adorable fiancé's home. (Its a Japanese style catsel) It's really pretty. My loves parents ask me if I would like to sleep in my Sweethearts bed with him. I say yes. It's now time to go to sleep.

My Sweetheart is now in some comfortable pyjamas. I'm shirtless. He really blushes hard. We go to his really big bed. It looks like it could fit 10 adults. I know that the kingdom of Akuma is the richest in the world but this is allot. My kingdom is the second richest. We cuddle all night he was really warm and I was cold so I was extremely comfortable all night.

(Its a British date)

I was reincarnated as a incubus Where stories live. Discover now