Chapter Three

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What are your guys favorite snack?


Minho and Thomas rushed into the glade but Minho didn't stop until he found Newt and Alby.Thomas had stopped running he let Minho find their friends.He couldn't really admit how annoyed he actually was.

He knew that W.I.C.K.E.D would be a problem but he just wanted to get closer to Minho.He kicked at a lone rock and trudged towards the direction Minho went.Some gladers stared as he made his way towards the four leaders.

Thomas could see Minho practically bouncing while he spoke to Gally, Ably, and Newt.He pulled out the Beatle blade just as Thomas approached them with a tired huff. They nodded at him, showing that they acknowledged his presence.

"Tommy here found the fresh paint." Minho grinned and flipped the Beatle around to show them the smudged paint.

"Bloody brilliant, what are we going to do with paint?"Newt muttered bitterly.

"This is telling us something can't you guys see?" Minho glared at his friends.

"It's telling us that these klunk heads are still watching us."Alby glared at Minho, "it's nothing, Minho."

Minho's smile dropped, his lips jutting down to a frown.Thomas watched the interaction between the four,and he had to admit he agreed with Newt.Minho dropped the blade with a defeated sigh, he glared one last time before walking away from his friends.

"He's starting to have false hope." Newt frowned crossing his arms over his chest.

"He'll get over it just like the rest of us." Gally shrugged and walked away without another word.

Thomas scoffed at Gally's blunt words.Newt and Alby walked away also, speaking quietly about their concern about Minho.Thomas felt his brows stitch together, he should go speak to Minho but he felt conflicted.

He wanted to speak about the kiss more then anything, but he knew that Minho had other things on mind. Thomas bit his lips still thinking of how sweet Minho's lips felt against his.He sighed and ran a hand through his brown hair,he started towards his canopy suddenly exhausted.

Everyone around him seemed to be bustling with life,getting work done, or starting a conversation with one another.He trudged to his canopy and slipped off his runners, he knew he should have cleaned himself up but he was too tired to.He laid down and grabbed his thin blanket putting it over his body.

He could hear the commotion of the other boys as they worked.He tuned out all of their noise and shut his eyes.The sun didn't bug him just due to the fact that he was under a tree and the shade was protecting him from the sun's rays.

He felt himself drifting to sleep slowly, his mind calming.His body relaxed he sighed one last time before he feel asleep.


"Come on Tommy."Minho called out.

Thomas looked up from his book to see his boyfriend grinning at him from across the room.Thomas rolled his eyes and shut his book with a smile.

"how about you go and I stay reading my book." He raised and eyebrow.

"Come on you know I don't have much time before they-"

"Stop...don't say it."Thomas muttered sadly."They already took Newt."

Minho looked down at his hands a frown on his face.Thomas sighed and got up from his seat, he walked towards Minho and grabbed his hands gently.Minho looked up at his boyfriend with questioning eyes.

"Im sorry I've been so distant and grumpy lately,I'm just really gonna miss you." Thomas kissed his hands.

Minho smiled,"I'll miss you too even if I won't know it,I'll miss you until I get to see you again."

"You cornball." Thomas gently kissed Minho's lips.

"Shutup you started this mush fest." Minho laughed.

"Fine,fine this lovey dovey stuff is my fault." Thomas grinned.

"You bet your ass it is." Minho kissed him again.

"let's go get lunch."Thomas separated from Minho.

"Yeah." Minho hummed and let go of Thomas's hand.

"We can be a couple once we're alone again." Thomas smiled softly,"you know they'll just make us one big experiment."

"I know, I know." Minho nodded his head and spoke gruffly.

~dream end~

Thomas woke in cold sweats,the dream didn't feel like a dream.It felt more like a memory rather then a fictional event.Thomas climbed out of bed barefoot he walked towards the others.

It was dark out already,everyone had stopped working and were now waiting for dinner.Thomas could see Minho talking calmy to the other runners as they argued with one another.

Thomas cringed,he had a pretty good feeling that they were talking about him.He found Chuck sitting down on a stump by himself,Thomas made his way towards him avoiding Minho and the runners.Chuck looked up with a smile, Thomas knew he made the right choice picking Chuck as his friend.

Thomas sat by him quietly and Chuck's smile grew wider,"How was your first day as a runner?"

"Hard and exhausting." Thomas sighed and stretched his achy legs.

"Well at least you get to hang out with the runners, they seem really cool." Chuck tried to lighten up Thomas.

"They dont like me much."Thomas frowned and looked their way.

"Oh well you always have me!"Chuck grinned.

Thomas chuckled brightly,"I guess you're right."

"How's Minho is he nice?"Chuck questioned quietly.

"'s...just yeah." Thomas sighed and rested his head in his hands.

"Weird response for a simple question."Newt walked up from behind them.

"huh?Hey Newt!"Chuck grinned happily.

"Hey Chuck."Newt sat on the other side of Thomas.

"Is Minho being nice,Thomas."Newt looked at Thomas curiosity burning in his eyes, Chuck watched him intently.

"Yeah he is."Thomas grunted.

"You know you can tell us anything, Tom." Chuck smiled.

"I am telling you everything." Thomas smiled softly at them lying once again.

"Alright what ever you say Tommy." Newt laughed.

A soft crunch of footsteps caught the attention of the three sitting boys. They looked up to see Minho coming their way,Thomas felt his heart rate become irregular.Minho stopped directly in front of them a hesitant smile on his face.

"Thomas can I talk to you for a sec?"

Thomas gulped quietly,"Yeah."

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