Part 5

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        A hard couple of day turned into hard couple of months for Olivia, they both decided that Sabrina would stay during the duration of filming. Just because they enjoy each other company no other reason. 
        Olivia didn't need to be on set today so her and Sabrina decided to hang out in their hotel. Olivia sat on the bed while Sabrina laid next to her she was still  asleep. Olivia glances over to the girl asleep next to her. Olivia sighs brushing a strand out of Sabrina's face. Sabrina turns her head to look at Olivia noticing Olivia's hand still hovering by her face, they both start to blush slightly. " oh h-hey umm good morning," Olivia says quick before scampering out of bed. "Do you want so breakfast I'm sure you do I'm going to go get breakfast, Love you bye" Olivia says quickly as she walks out the door. Did i just say love you bye Olivia bangs her head against the wall she sighs and hopes Sabrina did hear that.
    While in line Olivia starts texting Larry about her current situation

Liv: I have might have accidentally said love you to Sabrina before leaving to get breakfast and I don't know what to do at this point I swear I'm going to have a heart attack

L: maybe you should talk to her about it or ask her out

Liv: of course not! She's not in to me like that and she just broke up with josh

L: yeah like two months ago and didn't you tell me how she almost constantly touching you. She probably likes you too. If you would just ask her out you wouldn't have to bother me about it anymore

Liv: well, some people are just like that with everyone. And no she doesn't like me like that!

L: alright fine but do you guys want to hang out later?

Liv: I'll have to ask Sabrina but sure

L: ok seen you later then

Liv: bye

    Olivia gets back to the hotel  as her opens her room door she says " Hey, I'm back with- SORRY!" She leaves the room closing the door behind her, Sabrina had just gotten out of the shower and was changing room. " why did she have to be changed right now!" Olivia whisper yells. She turns around red faced and knocked on the door.
She hear a muffled " I'm done," come from Sabrina. Olivia goes into the room without consequence this time.
"Um s-so Larry asked if you wanted to hangout tonight?" Olivia Asks.
"Uh yeah sure is anyone else going to be there?" Sabrina responds.
"I don't know so far I know it just me, you and Larry" Olivia answers. "But for know let's eat and I'll text him" she adds.

——————————Time skip————————————

    Olivia and Sabrina head over to Larry's and When they get there they notice two things, the entire cast is there and they are playing truth or dare. I'm sure this will go horribly, Olivia briefly thought before heading over to greet everyone.
      After 5 or so rounds it gets to Josh's turn " dare!" Josh excitedly says. Hopefully this dare will make him disappear, as if reading Olivia mind Dara dares him to run down to the lobby and back. Olivia let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding when Larry pulled her aside
     "So, I didn't invite him he invited himself and I'm am so sorry," Larry apologizes.
     "It's fine I did think you did it on purpose, besides he hasn't caused any trouble... yet. So don't worry about it," Olivia tells Larry
    " do you guys want to play a round while we wait?" Sofia says while holding up a deck of uno cards. Everyone agrees and they get half way through the game when Josh returns.
     "Alright let's get this show back on the road," Josh's says way to enthusiastically. Olivia and Sabrina find this quite suspicious but ignore it. Josh looks around deciding who he's going to pick and of course he picks Olivia. " Olivia, truth or dare?" Josh asks her.
     Olivia thinks on it for a second she wasn't feeling dare so she opted "truth,"
      Josh replies with a classic " who do you have a crush on?" Olivia could feel the collective are you serious, from the group.
       Olivia also doesn't want to admit to Sabrina that she likes her just yet maybe eventually she would but not right now. Olivia sighs then changes her answer "dare," her blood boils at the smug  grin josh has on his face.
       " Ok then. I dare you to kiss who you think is the most attractive person in the room," josh says giving her a dare. Olivia rolls her eyes, feeling a surge of confidence. I guess eventually is right now, She turns to her right and grabs Sabrina and kisses her. Much to Olivia's surprise Sabrina reciprocates the kiss. Olivia pulls back from this kiss with a blush covering her and Sabrina's faces. This thing she hears after this is Sofia saying " You wish that was you huh," to a angry looking Josh who sat diagonally from her
       Olivia hears a quick " hey, head ups," from Sabrina before she pulls Olivia into another kiss.

(This is a joke) Sabrina carpenter x Olivia rodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now