Part 4

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     Sabrina checks her phone for a flight back home only to see she can't get one until tomorrow. she books her flight for the first thing in the morning. "Alright let's see, I should be able to get a hotel for the night," she mumbles to herself. She looks for a hotel near the airport, she books her room and gets an uber to her hotel.
     When Sabrina arrived at the check-in counter she was informed that her room would not be ready for her until around 8pm. Again she checks her phone to see it's only noon and she has 8 hours to kill. Thinking for a moment she realizes she has 2 options she can sit in the hotel lobby for 8 hours, or find someone she knows is here that will let her leave her luggage in there room until hers is available. The only problem with the second theory , the only person she know is her is...
      She is ripped for her thoughts. She locks eyes with someone. Oh no, this the first thing Olivia thought we she saw Sabrina. Olivia was sure that she was about to get yelled at. She has to be upset right? Olivia thinks. Well here goes nothing, they think at the same time. "Hey... so I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" Sabrina asks. Olivia let's out a strangled breath,
       "um.. sure what is it?" She responds, unsure if she wants an answer. Sabrina  then explains her current situation.
      "Oh yeah of course you can, that really sucks he seriously just left you in the airport?" Olivia says sounding sympathetic.
     "Thank you so much I honestly didn't know what I would do if you had said no," Sabrina says thankfully.
      "It's not really a big deal...," Olivia responds bashfully. "come on let me take you to the room,"Olivia says while grabbing Sabrina's hand to pull her along. Olivia let's go of the shorter girls hand as the reach the elevator. She presses the button on the elevator cursing herself, why did I hold her hand she could have just followed me. Olivia thinks blushing slightly. They reach their floor and Olivia leads them to the room. " So you can leave your bag here and feel free to make your self at home" Olivia tells Sabrina

———————————time skip———————————

        Olivia notices a couple things while talking to Sabrina, one she is really animated when she talks and two she might not be as straight as she thinks she is. That second one is really because of how hot her face feels and how fast her heart is beating right now. It is currently morning and she is cuddling with her ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. She shouldn't be happy about this but she is anyway. She hears Sabrina stirring next to her, Olivia tries to move her arms for around Sabrina without her noticing. "Olivia... what time is it?" Sabrina still half asleep  she grabs her phone to check the time "SHIT!" She yells practically leaping out of bed "I missed my flight," she says giving the other context.
    "Oh that's fine you could just hang around for another day you're still booked for a hotel room right?" Olivia questions.
       " I never went to my room last night and should already be checked out," Sabrina says defeated.
       "Well you could just stay with me, I don't mind. I will be here for a while and we could go exploring if you want,"Olivia suggest immediately regretting it, blushing slightly.  I DO MIND, right? Olivia mental kicks herself for the suggestion.
     Sabrina thinks on it for a second " I guess I could as long as you are sure you don't mind I wouldn't want to intrude," Sabrina responds.
     "No it's totally fine, it's does get a tad lonely before we start filming," Olivia reassures
      " alright then let me take a shower and we can head out, alright," Sabrina adds before disappearing into the bathroom. Olivia flops back into the bed this will be a long couple of days.

(This is a joke) Sabrina carpenter x Olivia rodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now