"Hey. She is laying on the bed." I told her as I let her in. She went over to her and sat her bag beside her.

  "I need one of you to get get me a wet cloth so I can clean some of this blood off her so i can see where she is hurt." My mom said. Liam and Harry both jumped up to grab one. They went to the bathroom and came back with a cloth and handed it to my mum.

  "This one looks like it is going to need some stitches. Niall clean the rest of the cuts while I stitch this one up." Mum handed the cloth to Niall and grabbed her suture kit from her bag. I noticed that Sarah started to stir in her sleep. She winced when mum started to stitch up her cut.

  "She is starting to wake up." I said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. Her eyes fluttered open then she shut them really fast.

  "Hey can you please open your eyes for me Sarah." My mum told her. Sarah shook her head and kept her eyes closed.

  "Does your head hurt?" She asked her. Sarah nodded her head. I went and closed the curtain and turn off the lights.

  "There now that there is not a lot of light can you open your eyes for me." Mum said. Sarah opened her eyes and looked around. Mum checked her eyes.

  "Okay. There doesn't seem to be anything too bad. She needed a few stitches in some of her cuts and I think she has a mild concussion. Other than that I think she is fine. Just watch her for a couple of hours. If she starts to get dizzy or starts throwing up then take her to an actual doctor." My mum said. She started grabbing her bag and heading to the door. I followed her to the door.

  "She will be fine you don't have to keep worrying about her." She told me.

  "I know but I still feel bad that she got hurt. I should have been more careful." I tell her. Mum pulled me into a hug before she left. I went back over to the bed where Sarah was.

  "I am sorry about this. I never ment for you to get hurt." I tell her. She tried to sit up but ended up wincing.

  "Can one of you please help me sit up." She said. Niall got on one side of her and I was on the other and we pulled her into a sitting position while Harry and Liam put pillows behind her.

  "Now that I am sitting up. Louis it's not your fault. You didn't know that we were going to get mobbed by fans. If it's anyone's fault it would be the fan who pulled me out of your arms." She told me.

  "I know but I still feel bad that you got hurt." She patted the side of the bed for me to sit beside her.

  "Okay all of you sit on the bed. We are going to watch a movie. I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth Louis." She said. All of us started laughing.

  "What do you want to watch?" I asked her.

  "I told you I didn't want to hear another word from you. Why are you still talking." She joked.

  "I was just asking what movie you wanted to watch." She lightly smacked my arm.

  "I said shut it. Put in the superman movie please Liam." She said. Liam got up and put the movie in when Eleanor and Perrie came in the room.

  "So this is why they took her from the pool. If I weren't good friends with her I would think Louis and Zayn were cheating on us with Sarah." Perrie told Eleanor jokingly.

  "No they are all in here because Louis, Sarah, and I got mobbed and Sarah got hurt. Louis freaked out when it happened. They are probably all in here making sure that she is okay." El told her.

  "You two do realize that we are all sitting right here. You are talking like we are not even in here. Now come join in on this. We are watching superman." Sarah said to them. The girls went and sat on the other bed. Zayn and I got up and sat on the other bed with them. Niall moved to Sarah's right side and Liam moved to the left side. Harry just laid across the door of the bed.

  "I didn't know that the bed could hold four people." I said.

  "Louis if you don't shut up I will throw a shoe at you." Sarah told me.

  "Please don't hit him in the face if you do. He can't have any bruises that can be seen tomorrow for his concert." El told her.

  "Hey you are supposed to be telling her not to throw a shoe at me not just telling her not to hit me in the face." I told her.

  "That's it." Sarah yelled. She tried to move but yelped in pain. Liam and Niall sat up to see if she was okay.

  "Oh my god. Sarah are you okay. What's wrong?" Liam asked.

  "I'm fine. My side just hurts a lot." She told him.

  "Which side is it?" Niall asked.

  "My right side." She said. Niall pulled up her shirt and there was a huge bruise on her right side. I got out of the bed to go over to her.

  "I think you might have a broken rib. I am calling my mom back." I tell her. I looked at Sarah and she looked ready to cry. I pressed on my mom's contact and put the phone to my ear. She picked up on the second ring.

  "Louis what's wrong? Is Sarah okay?" She asked when she picked up.

  "No. She was trying to move to throw a shoe at me but her side is hurting too much. Niall lifted her shirt and there is a huge bruise on her side. I think she has a broken rib. Can you come over here and check it out please." I told her.

  "Yeah. Just let me finish cooking dinner then I will head over there. In the mean time get her some ice to put on it and make sure that she doesn't move around too much." She told me. She finished telling me what to do then she hung up. I went back in the room and saw Niall sitting with Sarah on his lap.

  "Mum said to put some ice on it and not let her move around too much. Liam can you and Harry go and get her some ice?" I asked them. The both nodded and left the room. I noticed that Sarah was asleep in his arms. Niall was looking down at her.

  "Niall I got a question and I want you to be honest with me okay." I told him.

  "Yeah what's up." He said not looking away from Sarah.

  "Do you like Sarah?" His head snapped up to look at me and he nodded.

  "Yeah I do but you can't say anything. Liam and Harry both like her also." He told me.

  "Well if I'm being honest I think she likes you." I told him.

  "Yeah but even if that's true. Liam and Harry always get the girls that they want. She will end up going for one of them." He told me.

  "You don't know that. She can go for you. You two are perfect for each other. Don't let Liam or Harry get in your way." Harry and Liam came back in the room and handed me the ice pack. I gently placed it on her side. She moved a little bit but she didn't wake up. All of us went back to the movie until my mom came in the room.

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