Some Statistics

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(Don't question the cover, just don't)

Before we get to this small story, here's some quick Stats and fun facts about the series I wanted to put out there.

- the first book was started on November 13, 2018
- the third book was finished on January 28, 2021

- The Crawler series is my first original story, created on a whim after drawing a person with vines coming out of their back and reading Crystal Scherer's 'The Virus Within'.

-The series was supposed to be only one book long

- Martian's personality is based off my real life dog, Yuki (he has nothing to do with the one from book 1 of the same name, of course). The main difference being breed, and Yuki is a very old boy

- when writing chapter 3 of Infected, I realized I hadn't made a main character! I gave them my own name, and as it went, this turned into me thinking of how I would live as a Crawler.

- originally, the story was meant to end with Infected. One of my friends talked to me about Permafrost, which gave me the idea for book two! (Permafrost was going to be the name for the book at first too)

- Book three was because (get this) as I was finishing up Diseased I realized I accidentally described the Lurkers in two completely different ways! I had just forgotten what they looked like the first time. So, I made it a plot point :þ

- The original plan for the story was completely different. In fact, Martian was planned for book 1 before I had even started writing.

- in the beginning, Crawlers only had one claw. They had what looked like praying mantis claws instead of the current design for Crawler legs, which I am very glad I changed.

-In the original plan for book 1, Martian would have still been a dog who was not afraid of Crawlers, but he would have been aggressive towards them instead of friendly. Oh how things change.

- Clementine was originally going to be a man. It was a typo on my part where I accidentally said 'she' that I realized a female scientist fit better.

As I go through and Edit the three books, many details will change or be removed or added. Think of it as a complete re-working of the story I wrote when I was thirteen. I want to fix continuity errors, short chapters I want to extend, and I want to add more details to make the world feel more natural and alive. A bit of realism check too..damn I was a stupid kid.

(If anyone finds an error of any kind within the three books, I'd appreciate if you point it out to me so I can fix it)

I will be writing this story off and on. It is going to be a short story, and not anything plot centered, just a little glimpse into what happened to our friends after Riley was submerged.

Remember, this is all in the past, and already happened, so try not to get too mad at me ;)

Meanwhile (a short Crawler story)Where stories live. Discover now