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push through this chapter! next chapter, we are getting some cute Olivia shit! Sorry there hasn't been a lot but I wanted this to be a slow burner <3

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push through this chapter! next chapter, we are getting some cute Olivia shit! Sorry there hasn't been a lot but I wanted this to be a slow burner <3

   The gloomy sky was overcasting into the twins room as Spencer sat on his bed. He brushed his thumb over his knuckles and repeated the ritual once again. His speedy eyes searched the wall that was once Obsidians, which was now what was left of it.

  A few posters and the bed itself still stand on her side, though her closet being nearly empty of what Coop called her 'baddie style.' She never came home after the party except when Shawn drove her to get the essentials.

  "Do you think she's ever gonna come home?" His mother asked from the doorway. He glanced back at her and took in her appearance. Small dark circles under her chocolate eyes alongside her tear stricken cheeks. Spencer tried his best to keep himself together for his mom and Dill, but night was when he let go.

  Dill had taken Obsidians absence the hardest, refusing to go to school and crying hysterically when his big sister couldn't give him a kiss goodnight.

  "It's my game today." Spencer commented as he grabbed his jersey. "She always comes to my games." And so Spencer had hope.

  Yet on the other side, where Obsidian was living, her life was actually fucked up. In the good way. She had been hanging with Shawn and his Buddies basically all day everyday now. And oddly enough, they were actually really cool.

  They understood Obsidian perfectly. From her wanting to provide for her family to even her darkest of thoughts, they understood. They also didn't give the girl endless pity which she adored. She hated the glances she'd get when even just going to the grocery store. How the older women would whisper just as she walked by.

  But she honestly didn't give a fuck anymore.

  Obsidian was sitting on one of Shawns boys lap. He tightly gripped her right hip bone which would have made anyone else uncomfortable but Obsidian was far from caring.

  She gently inhaled her puff bar, allowing the smoke to hit all the way into her lungs, before turning and blowing it into the Shawns face who was sitting in front of her. He rolled his eyes before snatching the bar away from the girl, taking a long hit despite the girls glare. She quickly took it back before placing it back into her eager lips.

  "I'm giving you food, water, a place to stay, and hard cold cash. At least I deserve a hit." Shawn complained. Obsidian rolled her eyes briefly before fishing something out of her pocket. A blunt that she had rolled that morning was in a small baggie.

  "Here you go. Good shit." She commented as she handed him the blunt. Shawn grinned happily as he examined it closely. The blunt was perfectly rolled, nothing out of place.

  "Hey. Why is she even here?" A male voice spoke from behind them. They all glanced to see, one of Shawns buds who seemed to have it out for Obsidian even when they first met. He seemed to have a big problem with the way she easily rose the ranks.

  "Why are you here, Dipshit? Unlike you, I actually know how to treat a woman. How many one night stands have you gotten since I've been here? Right, zero." She responded. The man angrily reached from behind and shoved a gun right into her face.

  The boy she was sitting on tensed up immediately, while Obsidian didn't seem to react at all.

  "You pull that trigger. See what happens." Obsidian joked lowly. "I may be dead but I would sure as hell haunt your pesky ass from the grave. I'd haunt you so bad your already little dick would get even tinier. It would just become." She paused as she let the words soak in. "Microscopic."

The boy swallowed and dropped the gun as fast as he raised it. Shawn let out a low chuckle from behind her and formed his fingers into a gun motion. He pretended to shoot the guy in the head who had threatened Obsidian, causing the boy to quickly run off.

A small childish giggle was heard from the other run and the door suddenly creaked open. A small girl tumbled out of the room, nearly tripping because of her speed, and rushed right to Shawn. He happily squeezed her pudgy fingers while she gazed at him. He pointed at Obsidian and gave her a light shove in her direction. When seeing the older girl, the toddler immediately squealed and rushed to her side.

"Maya baby." Obsidian cooed as she gently lifted her up. She cradled the small child in her arms while Shawn watched in awe.

"You look so alike." He commented softly. She glanced from the child back to Shawn and smiled gently. Their resemblance was actually weirdly similar. They both had dark brown eyes and perfect eyebrows. "You ever want kids one day?" He followed up as he lit the blunt.

      "Honestly? Hell no."

    Hours later, a knock was heard at the door. Obsidian groggily wiped her eyes which were extremely drowsy from her three hour nap. The boys were no where in sight, however Maya was sleeping in the other room.

   She gripped her knuckles tightly, before tiptoeing to the door. Because of the lack of any sort of peep hole she opened the door as far as the deadbolt would go.

   "If it's you Spence or Coop, I am slamming this door shut." She spoke loudly. A small pause was heard and she expected the worse so she went to close it. Unfortunately, a hand was placed right on the doorframe before anything was able to close.

   "Not Spence or Coop. Just Olivia." An extremely high pitched voice spoke. Obsidian rolled her eyes before unlocking the deadbolt. She swung the door open but was not met with Olivia but a smirking Coop.

   "You really think I thought it was Olivia? You sounded like a high on helium cartoon character." She scoffed as Coop brushed passed her and went inside.

   "Look. I killed that accent but anyways, we're worried." Coop started as she stood in front of Obsidian. She gave no emotion in return but Coop could tell she was listening. "There was gunfire today. At the Concert- My concert. You missed that shit by the way. It was fire."

   She felt a pang of guilt realizing that she missed such an important event but most importantly her eyes perked up at the sudden mention of guns. "Guns?" She asked to which Coop nodded.

  "I'm talking the whole nine yards. Bang Bang Bang." She dramatically acted out.

  "Look I get that you're worried and all, but I'm good here. I've got everything I need." Obsidian tried to persuade.

  "You've missed how many days of school exactly? How much homework have you done? I mean, was the last time you even thought about the X factor?" Coop stated. Obsidian stayed silent knowing she was actually right. "When you're willing to realize you're just a kid, call me. You shouldn't be juggling all this gang shit. It's gonna get you shot. Or worse, dead."

   When Coop slammed the door shut, tears brimmed at Obsidians eyes. She knew she was in a bad place but a part of her thought she was fine. Maybe it was because that was how she always was, fine. Or maybe that was just how she convinced herself, in attempts to make it true as possible. 

    Next chapter is gonna be sad so be warned, but it will lead to some cute scenes :)

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