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VII. Wallflowers

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"I KNOW you do not have many friends here in Coulway."

Angela turned to Sabrina and met the woman's sapphire eyes and found no trace of judgement. There was nothing but pure curiosity and amusement in their depths. "No, you are wrong," she said, lifting her chin in defiance.

"I am?"

"I only have one."

Sabrina rapidly blinked in surprise, mouth hanging open. "Then how do you suppose you can show me around this season?"

"That is why my brother has graciously offered his help. He can take care of the social part. I will teach you how to be a lady."

However, Jonathan was engaged in what appeared to be a fun conversation with his friends. Half an hour ago, he left their side to find himself a glass of wine. The glass in his hand had been refilled twice now, and he had not yet found his way back. After Sabrina secured dance partners, he must have thought it was enough.

Stark's sister looked around the ballroom. "Very well, if you cannot find us friends, then perhaps we should make them. I am not saying your company is boring, but it would be nice to have variety."

"I would rather we let my brother do the honor. Your dance card is full. That should be enough for tonight."

"Nonsense! A dance is a dance—a partnership that lasts as long as the music sheet. It is far from having friends. We should at least try. That's what my brother wants and I'm keen on pleasing him so he would allow me a few liberties."

Angela cleared her throat and moistened her lips, eyes darting everywhere. She would rather find a good corner.

Sabrina narrowed her eyes. "Are you anxious, my lady?"

"You may call me Angela. I can tell that you struggle with honorifics. And no, I am not anxious about making friends." She could never get away with her pride, even in the presence of this woman.

To her surprise, Sabrina laughed, grabbing the attention of a few guests nearby. Angela had to force a smile on her lips so as the lady would not appear crazy, but she could not really point out the source of Sabrina's amusement.

"You differ greatly from most women in your station and I quite appreciate that, Angela."

Does she have a motive by telling me this? Is she keen on pleasing me as well so she can have more liberties as she would put it? If so, what does she want?

"Now, as I was saying, making friends will not be a problem. I can take care of that. I know that you and my brother have entered an agreement, otherwise you would not have agreed to sponsor me."

She blinked. "I do not understand what you mean. I took you in because your brother and I—"

"You and my brother can never be friends. Trust me, one look and I can very well tell." Sabrina scanned the ballroom and leaned closer conspiratorially. "Now, I know he means well, and that you are only doing this so you can benefit from whatever service he has offered you. Can I ask what service you expect him to fulfill? Are you looking for a potential match?"

"No, and no."

Sabrina blinked at her in confusion.

"I mean no, I cannot tell you what it is about. And no, I am not looking for a match for myself."

"Then it is for someone else. Your brother, Jonathan?"


Sabrina pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. Then understanding dawned on the woman's face. "Ah, then it must be for the other brother." She laughed when Angela only blinked at her. "You are very easy to read."

A Stark MismatchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang