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"... The shocking news that American businessman Maxwell Lord has somehow come into possession of over half of the world's oil reserves. The instability in the oil community has resulted in a nationwide run on gas..."

Well, news certainly travelled quickly in this modern day and age, that was for sure. There was no keeping any secrets, it seemed. Not anymore.

Just like that her boyfriend's name was all over the news, and he seemed all the happier for it, thriving at being in the spotlight. In fact, he was happier than she had seen him in a long time, and that was certainly saying something.  

Max spent the next couple of hours racing through the whole office building preparing for his 'guests'. The crowd outside kept growing, and grew restless.

With him running around so much, it gave Paulina some time alone in his office - to investigate. She set down to work, not wanting to waste a moment. 

Ever since the visit from the Smithsonian employees, she had been preoccupied with thoughts of Max basically stealing the artifact. No, he had stolen it, why was she still trying to deny it?

Because she didn't want to believe he would  do such a thing, her Max. 

She still couldn't yet understand the significance of the item to him.  There were various images of all kinds on the stone Ms. Prince had told her about, but no sign of the actual stone itself. Apparently, according to Max's notes - extensive notes - it was called the Dreamstone, and supposedly had the power to grant wishes. Judging by the images, it didn't look very large, so fairly easy to hide. 

Suddenly, her mind flashed back to that night at the Smithsonian gala - Max had had something with him on the way out, the wrapped item. Could it be...

She started digging through his desk - careful to listen for any sign that he was returning. Luckily, Max was never a very quiet person, and his loud voice usually carried across far distances, and she knew these offices tended to have an echo.

She was digging through the top drawer when she came across something interesting, something separate from all the office supplies: 

A small black velvet box.  

Her curiosity peaked, she picked it up and opened it.

She was not expecting what she found inside.

A diamond ring.

She was so shocked she almost dropped it.  She was struck then with the sudden realization of 'what else usually came in small velvet boxes?', but was still nonetheless shocked.

A ring. And not just any ring, but an engagement ring. 

But why was it here? What was it doing in his work desk?

So there wouldn't be a risk of her finding it at home. 

"Ay Dios mío..."  Well this was pretty self-explanatory: Max was going to propose. 

He wasn't just planning to, he had the ring and everything - he was going  to. 

But when? He seemed quite tied-up and preoccupied as of lately. 

Speaking of preoccupied - she had thought she had felt so before, but she certainly did now. 

Max's voice coming from out in the hall snapped her back to focus, and she went to meet him out in the offices. 

"Max, I really need to talk to you-"

"Not now, dear."

"It's really important-"

One Wish - Coins in a Fountain  (Maxwell Lord, WW84)Where stories live. Discover now