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Lina sprinted all the way back to the Black Gold building. She didn't dare look behind her, hoping that Max or one of his new security guards wasn't chasing after her. But deep down, she knew they weren't - he had more 'important' things to deal with now. 

It was total chaos outside now - people who had had their wishes granted, and those who still hadn't, pushing and shoving for their turn, desperate for more, always more. 

More more more.

"Where's Alastair?!" she cried to one of the security guards still standing out front of the building.

"Inside in Mr. Lord's office as far as I know. You know, we're having trouble holding back this crowd-"

"Just keep trying!" Without another thought she raced inside.

"Ms. Quintana!" cried Raquel. She and a few other staff members had gathered in the lobby, clearly nervous about the brewing and what looked like soon-to-be boiling over situation outside.

"Get the rest of the staff out of here and far away," Paulina told her. 

"What about you?"

"I have to get Alastair, then we'll try to come and find you." 

Raquel nodded and the two women split up, heading their separate ways.

Paulina didn't bother waiting for the elevator - she continued her sprint up the stairs all the way to the top floor and through the offices to Max's own office.


"Lina!" He came flying out of his dad's office. 

"Oh!" She pulled him into a close hug.

"Where's Daddy?" he asked. He had seen them leave together, so it was an accurate assumption for him to think that they would return together.

"I don't know," she admitted. "We got separated..." I ran away from him. I was so scared... "We need to get out of here - the security guards can barely hold back the crowd outside-"

But where would they go? She needed to come up with a destination, and fast.  She had said they would meet up with Raquel and the other staff members, but maybe it would be best to head home to the apartment, wait things out there. 

"Citizens of the world! Allow me to introduce myself - I am Max Lord. And I am here to change your life!"

Alastair gasped. "Daddy!" He raced out of the office, at first thinking his dad was in the building. But no-

Every single screen, whether it be computer or TV, was showing Max speaking at a podium - he had used the satellite to take over every screen in the world.

"Ay Dios mio-"

"All you have to do is make a wish, anything you want... Anything you can dream of, you can have it! If you can dream it, you can achieve it! So just look into my eyes and make a wish... Anything you dream of, have it... Wish for it. I can hear it... I can hear you... Take it, take it, it's all yours! It's all yours for the taking! That's right - you're doing great!"

"I wish you were here Daddy and I wish you'd come back! Daddy please! I'm still here Daddy! Daddy please!" Alastair was wailing at the screens. 

"That's right, just wish for it. It's yours now... All you have to do is say it out loud. Make a wish, any wish! Just look into my eyes and everything you been waiting for is all yours! Granted! Granted! GRANTED!"

Paulina couldn't take it anymore. She shoved one of the screens to the floor, the machine instantly smashing. But that only took care of one screen, and there were many, many others. 

The wild crowd outside must have broken past security and into the building, for the locked doors were trying to be shoved open, and she could hear commotion out in the hall. She immediately pushed Alastair behind her. "We've got to get out of here - now!"

Max's office had an emergency exit. "Let's go, this way!" She grabbed Alastair's hand and pulled him with her into the main office and over to the exit door.


Alarm will sound

The alarm blared as soon as she pushed the door open - however, she could still hear Max's voice from the screen over the alarm. 

"Why not more? Why not wish for more?! We want what we want! Keep going!"

She and Alastair dashed down the outside stairs and out across the field away from the building. She had no idea where they were headed - most likely home to the apartment - but her objective there in that moment was just to get them as far from the Black Gold building as was possible, as quickly as possible. 

But then-

"Emergency Alert. You have four minutes to find shelter. Stay calm and stay indoors... This is not a test..."

What? What was happening now?

"This is not a test..."

"Daddy! Daddy! Help us Daddy! Lina, where's Daddy? Why isn't he here with us?"

"I don't know!" she cried, more forcefully than she meant to. She sighed and crouched down before the young boy, who was close to tears, her own tears coming back.  "I-I don't know, Alastair, and I'm sorry. But I'm not sure your dad is coming back this time..." She couldn't believe she was admitting that, not really knowing what her own words meant. "I just don't know... But we have to go - have to get to safety." She took his hand again and they continued running. 

"One minute warning..."

She heard something behind them and turned to see a large piece of debris - a piece of a big sign perhaps - blowing towards them. The last thing she remembered was shoving Alastair out of the way.


Alastair stumbled and hit the pavement, scraping his knee but he didn't care. When he turned around, he saw Lina lying on the road, not moving. 

He wiped at his blurry, teary-eyed vision and rushed back over to her. "Lina, Lina wake up! Wake up, Lina!" Alastair knelt beside her where she lay on the ground. He shook her, again and again, but she didn't respond. She still wasn't moving and the side of her head was bleeding. She was hurt. Alastair didn't know what to do.  "Daddy! Daddy! Help us, Daddy! Where are you?!"

He cried and hugged Lina, not knowing what else to do.

But then, suddenly, it all stopped. Just like that. 

And everything was quiet around him. 

(Thank you so much for the 1000+ reads! :D that's amazing! 

So I know we're close to the end of the movie storyline, but I will extend this story  beyond that and into the aftermath of Max's actions, so we're not at the end yet. Which is good cause I'm not ready to leave these characters behind just yet ;) 

Thank you so much for reading and, as always, I hope you enjoyed! :))

One Wish - Coins in a Fountain  (Maxwell Lord, WW84)Where stories live. Discover now