"That I'm the best uncle in the whole wide world!" His grin reaching his ears.  "And the coolest too!"  He shrugged with a smug look on his face. 

Naruto shook his head fondly. "Oh Neji. Always a big dreamer." The latter gave an offended look to that response and Naruto laughed. "You're keeping their mother away from ramen, and that my friend is a terrible uncle." Naruto was giving him a serious look then bursting into a fit of laughter at the incredulous stare aimed in his direction.   

He nudged the broad shoulder gently, "I'm kidding. My children are right, you are the greatest uncle there will ever be."  He smiled softly at the grinning Hyūga. "Must be the reason why they're still asleep. They were busy bothering you all night," he chuckled whilst looking down at his stomach.  "You two should bother uncle Neji more often so I can get a good nights sleep." 

Neji smiled warmly and set his hand over the sleeping fetuses, "So 'honey', are you ready for our baby shower later on today?" 

Naruto released a huge, deep sigh, appearing reluctant to reply, though he did so anyways. "Don't get me started on how out of hand this is," he huffed. "I mean, I get Deidara wanting to throw a baby shower because he's pretty much in the dark as is grandma, though there is less excuse for her since she has a bit of awareness of the situation, but mom...," he trailed off.

"But?" The alpha prompted. 

"They emotionally blackmailed me saying, when would they ever get more grandkids to throw another shower.  I mean, obviously I wouldn't get any from you..." Neji blushed at that statement, but Naruto didn't notice because he was way deep in to his little rant. "But they forget that this..," gesturing wildly with his free hand, "...isn't real!"  

Naruto paused in a lingering hesitation, "This 'relationship' will be over the moment you solve the case and you're going to be with Gaara and I'm going to be a single parent."  His voice was small and just above a whisper.

Neji sat silently.  He didn't know what to say because every word uttering from his mouth was true.  Naruto was going to be a single parent.  And no matter how much they would all be there for him and the babies, at the end of the day he would be alone without a lover to give him comfort on those stressful days to hold him and reassure him that he's beautiful and strong and amazing every day just like a mate would do for their omega.  And it wasn't fair because out of all of them if anyone deserved to have that kind of love... it was him.

The brunette knew what it's like to grow up with a single parent. Although his father had done everything in his power to make sure he would not want for anything, he'd often see the loneliness in his father's eyes. He missed his mother, even heard how he had refused to see anyone after her death. Neji heard stories of her, about how she was a head strong alpha who adored his omega father. Neji wished he could of met her. Sadly an unfocused truck driver robbed her of her life.

Naruto ran a hand through his golden tresses with a sigh. "Look at me... ruining a beautiful morning and a wonderful breakfast." Pasting on a grin that didn't feel quite as convincing as he'd intended it to be as he finally risked eye contact.  He hadn't been able to look at the man while he'd been essentially ripping his heart open.

"I don't feel hungry anymore." Naruto sighed, but for some preposterous reason he still continued to stuff his face full with pancakes, egg and bacon.  

"Thanks for getting up early on your day off to feed us. It was very sweet of you and delicious." Trying to sport a toothy grin, meanwhile mentally blaming his hormones as he was failing to pretend to be cheerful as he placed his half eaten plate aside. "And sorry for being a sourpuss." Pushing himself off of the bed and going to the closet to pick out an outfit. 

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