Kuvira: "Truth... what do you think of Mako's eyebrows" she asked making Makos siblings laugh

Wu: "they're not that bad...maybe could use help"

Mako: "i'll take it" he laughed

Wu laughed as he gave the bottle a spin having it land on Korra

Korra: "dare"

Wu: "give Kuvira her lap dance" he smirked making kuvira flustered

Korra got up from her seat as she unbuttoned her vest, leaving it on her seat, she walked up to Kuvira whose face was a bright red. Kuvira couldn't stop blushing as she moved away from the table because of Korra moving her chair making it face the shorter girl, she tried hiding her face with her hands but Korra removed them. Kuvira looked into Korra's blue eyes who placed her hands on the arm rest and moved towards her ear

Korra: "wanna serve me my shots?" she whispered into Kuvira's ear teasingly and moved back with a smirk to see a frozen bright red girl making her chuckle

Kuvira: "I-...uh" she was lost for words, her stomach did flips

Iroh: "I think you broke her" he laughed

Wu: "i called it" he stood up "Kuvira's a bottom!" he pointed at the frozen woman making the others laugh

Kuvira: "AM NOT!" she snapped back into reality

Korra: "whatever helps you sleep at night" she took her shots as she sat back in her seat, she gave the bottle a spin having it land on Mako

Mako: "i'm sorry are we just going to forget about you breaking Kuvira" he earned a laugh from everyone "and dare"

Korra: "let Wu wax your eyebrows"

Mako: "WHAT?! NO!"

Wu: "oh come on please" he begged and Mako gave in

Asami went up to her room to bring her wax strips and gave them to Wu. Wu happily waxed Makos eyebrows. And Korra took her shot

Wu: "is it weird i prefer it before we waxed it"

Kuvira: "it came out good" she said "but i don't think it fits him" she added

Korra: "hey pretty boy, say cheese" she held up her phone a took picture of Mako when he turned towards her

the 9 of them looked at each other and laughed at Mako while he made a shocked face when he checked himself out on his phone. The 10 continued the game, and they were drunk at this point.

Korra: "Truth" he laughed

Kuvira: "smash or pass all of us"

Korra: "jeez um... Jinora pass...Iroh pass...Opal maybe...Kuriva smash and Asami smash" she said slowly due to the fact she was tipsy

Kuvira: "ouu Asami, three way!" she earned laughs from everyone

Asami: "I'm down" she shrugged like it was nothing but if she wasn't 13 shots in she would have said otherwise

Korra: "woah I was not expecting that from..you" she pointed at Asami

Asami: "expect the unexpected" she gave her a wink as the blue eyed girl spun the bottle landing on Asami

Asami: "Truth"

Korra: "ugh now i have to think" she laid her head back on the seat facing the night sky, thinking "what were your first impresion when you first met me and my brothers?"

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