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I buttoned up my dark gray pea coat as I knew the chilling air outside the towering skyscraper would be suffocatingly cold. Picking up the cellular device off the desk in front of me, I had a feeling all day that something would happen today, something that would affect me.

I stuff the phone in my pocket and walk out of the mostly glass office. Walking out into a room bustling with people, most of these people respected me and looked at me with gloomy looks. They tell me goodbye like it's the last day they will ever say it to me, which was odd. I was only going to the airport to leave for three days for a meeting, then I would be back to work as usual. I just assume that they won't be able to function without me, being so used to getting orders from me that coping without me would be impossible. I give a nod as my goodbye and turn to walk towards the elevators.

Reaching the brown wall, I push the milky white button to make it glow a bright orange. A ding announces the arrival of the elevator, the doors whirr open to show a five by five by eight silver box. My reflection blurred in the silver walls, as I walked in and looked down at my phone.

When I look back up the doors have closed and a person is standing in front of me, but facing me while looking at me with a smile. I jump at the sudden appearance of the person, but sigh and smile because I recognized her. I have no recollection of her name but I keep seeing her around. I had no idea why but I had started to grow fond for this person.

In the back of my head I could still feel the tingling feeling that I've had all day. Her lips started moving, but I wasn't listening as I was admiring her beauty, as she was a very attractive person.

Before I could return to the noise of reality, happening in slow motion the elevator doors opened swiftly and showed a frightened person holding a gun in the direction of the woman and I. The gunner walks forward and puts the heavy black gun against the back of the woman in front of me. Before any of us could react there is a quick flash and a hole in the woman's forehead. Her eyes widened as she fell forward towards me, her body hitting the ground.

The gunner looks from the woman's body up to me with wide and frightened eyes. He throws the gun to the ground and starts to run away, but before he could get very far, police women in white shirts, black vests and black pants with red stripes down the sides show up to shoot him down, pelting his body with clear bullets. I stand there shocked not knowing what to do.

The police women turn to face me, their guns held up to their faces, their fingers held over the triggers. I close my eyes as I'm ready to be hit with multiple cold rounds.

Nothing happens, so I open my eyes and the man that was shot down seconds ago is standing there in a pool of blood, bodies of the police woman lying all around him. In his right hand he holds a dagger very tightly, the dagger dripping with blood.

I widen my eyes, as to my surprise that the man is still living, let alone standing. He out-stretches his hand towards me, I look back to the woman's lifeless body laying on the ground then back to the man in front of me. He gestures back to his hand again.

Corrupt (Short story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя