Chapter 11

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*You're 35 weeks along in your pregnancy and Hotch let's you off*

as im setting my stuff down at my desk Hotch calls me into his office. I'm pretty sure I know what's happening.

Hotch: y/n i understand you're about 35 weeks along?

Y/n: yes.

Hotch: I'm going to go ahead and let you go for maternity leave.

Y/n: Hotch, no disrespect but, I love this job I don't need my ML.

Hotch: I understand but we can risk having you in the field. It's too dangerous for you and the baby. I'm sorry.

Y/n: Can I at the office and help? Like with Garcia. I just don't want to be stuck at home.

Hotch: I'm sure she'd love that I'll certainly speak to her about it before I leave. I'll let you know Monday morning.

Y/n: thank you so much Hotch!

Hotch: you're welcome y/n. Have a good weekend.

Y/n: you too sir.

As I'm finishing getting my things before leaving Emily walks up to me.

Emily: no, you're not leaving yet are you?

Y/n: Not if Garcia don't let me stay with her. I really don't want to be stuck in the apartment.

Emily: she'll love that I'm sure. Anyways we are all going out for dinner do you and Reid wanna join?

Y/n: I don't mind...I'll ask him. Do you know where he is?

Emily: uhm, I think he said he was going to the bathroom.

Reid never uses the office bathroom...what? Okay maybe he just had to pee really bad. You're over thinking this whole thing. Just one thing throwing you off...Spencer has been using the bathroom a lot lately and acting sorta strange. You knew things with his mom weren't going well and maybe he needed a space where nobody would bother him...but why the bathroom and why the sensitive personality change recently.
I'm thinking too hard. Everything is fine. Just call and ask if he wants dinner and stop being so paranoid.

Y/n and the rest of the team go out for dinner and have a great time. The rest of the night goes smoothly with you and Spencer until he goes to sleep.

For better or For worse//Spencer Reid Where stories live. Discover now