001 [ U N E D I T E D ]

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•Draco p.o.v•

So here I was in my room packing all of my things couse finally Me,lunar, & rainbow are finally going to attend yandere high were our two best friends are attending, funneh and gold it had been two years since we had seen the both of them I mean sure we have our phones to communicate and all but since acouple of months ago we all had rarely talked since we've all had been busy for our final year at highschool next semester so it'd be nice to see them again after all were the krew!

My thoughts were interrupted by my door opening I turned around to see who it was and it was my mom, "Hey hun, your friends are ready to go to the airport so just thought to come up here to see if your done" I smile at at her and she smiled back "yea I'm done tell lunar and rainbow I'll be down in a minute" I said to her "okay hun but please remember to call us whenever your free and also remember to not stay up to late to ok?" I chuckled at her response "Dont worry mum I will, and please don't worry about me besides me and my friends have been through much worst situation's than moving to another school"

I say to her laughing just a little remembering all the adventures me and my friends used to had before before funneh and gold left, she sighs but she knows I'm right
"I know ill just miss my baby so much really though your growing up so much" she fake cries I rolled my eyes at her actions "mom" I whine she laughs at my response "okay okay but better be down their you Know how your friends are and remember to use the bathroom first you don't wanna have another accident" she tease before running out my room "MOM!" I shouted shouted from embarrassment I hear a faint laugh from her I sigh and swing my backpack to my shoulder and carry all my belongings that I'll be needing for my dorm and went downstairs to the front door

I sigh 'this is it where gonna be a whole krew again' I smile from just the thought of it and opened the door to see my mom and friends waiting for me at my mom's car "hey get in loser don't wanna make funneh and gold wait now do we" shouted lunar "yea come on Draco your taking forever!" rainbow said I rolled my eyes from there actions "coming!" I said and put all my things at the back of the car and sat next to my mom "all right off to the airport we go" my mom said as she starts the car and heading of to our destination.

•third person•

As They arrived at the airport exchanging goodbyes and thank yous to each other and went inside past securities and on to there flight to America to see their long awaited friends all three exchanging ideas exitedly as to what will happen once they arrived.

•Funneh p.o.v•

As I was done getting ready to head to the airport with gold to pick up our friends I got a message from someone I look down to who it was and
it was Draco

Hey funneh me and the rest are
almost there are you guys at the
airport yet you know we don't like to wait

I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit and quickly type in a response

Hey dude me and gold are just
About to go to the airport already
Before someone had to message me

I get stutterld and almost dropped my phone by the shouting coming from downstairs "FUNNEH GET YOUR LAZY BUM DOWN HERE WERE ALREADY LATE TO PICK UP LUNAR AND THE REST!"
Gold shouted "COMING" I quickly said and sprinted my way downstairs "what took you so long you said you were just gonna change?" Gold asked "will yea for the most part untill I got a text from Draco saying their almost at the airport" I said to her "what! Lets go then we don't have much time I want to see them as soon a possible" she half shouted as she ran out our dorm "wait hold up gold your not the only one who wants to see them!" I said as I run after gold not forgetting to luck our dorm of course

As I finally got to her she already was in a taxi "hurry up funneh" she said"okay okay not my fault you just randomly run off" I said to her "hehe sorry I just really wanna see them again and besides it's been so long since we have" she said to me will she isn't wrong it had been two years since we have seen them "yea your right" I said as I get in the taxi "where to?" Said the driver "to the #### airport please" gold said to the driver who nodded there head a response as they start the car and headed off to the airport.

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