
885 19 4

Warning: nightmares (mention), healing from trauma.

The song used in this chapter is from 2017, sorry 'bout that.

Photo by Erik Witsoe on Unsplash


The rays of the summer sun wake him from his sleep. First enjoying the comfort of his sheets, he suddenly sits up, remembering the events of the day before. Chloe. He looked after her all night, calming every anguish, chasing every nightmare. He doesn't know when he fell asleep, too exhausted to resist any longer. And now she's no longer near him. He hurries to get up to look for her. He worries that she has run away. That she's alone, lost and desperate.

As he walks past the second bedroom, a shadow in the room stops him. There she is, with her back turned, holding the deer figurine he is working on at the moment. She turns her head to the side, enough to notice his presence. But she doesn't turn around. She goes back to contemplating the object in her hands. Her voice still broken is heard.

"You put your wood stuff back into the room.

-Yeah... 'Thought it would be easier to fill your absence.

-Did that work?


She gives a sad smile and puts Joel's work back down. He hopes he hasn't hurt her by trying to erase all traces of her in the room. In fact, change or not, she still haunts the whole house, he continues to feel her everywhere, expecting to see her pop up every moment when he's in the kitchen or living room. But no, he is alone with himself. So to see her standing there, a few steps away from him, he still finds it hard to believe. He changes the subject, uncomfortable with his feelings.

"Wanna some breakfast?

-Did Tommy eat all the cookies?"

He laughs softly and nods to encourage her to follow him. As they descend the stairs, she watches his back, a slight smile on her lips. His "no" still echoes in her head. It had only been two silly sentences. And yet, that was probably the most he had ever revealed of his feelings for her. He missed her so much that he tried to make her presence disappear to move on. Without success. She is not upset. She is relieved. Finally getting some honesty from him.


For several days, she stays with him. Maria cleared her schedule, pretending she's sick. The days go by slowly, between panic attacks and catatonia on the sofa. To distract her, he put movies on TV. No matter what the subject, it just makes background noise and movement to get her out of her dark thoughts. More and more often, she has quiet moments, where they can chat, where she can read quietly. As before.

And then comes the time to find a normal life. Molly is back in Jackson. Her friend does not know anything about the events of the patrol, nor this part of her past, and she does not feel the strength to tell her about it. She also doesn't want to tell her about her relationship with Joel. So she goes back to live in the apartment, as if nothing had happened.

But no one can erase the past so easily. Unable to sleep, she turns and turns in her bed. She tried to read but couldn't concentrate. She knows only one thing can soothe her. Silently, she gets up and slips on her shoes, hoping Molly won't notice her absence.

The night is hot as she weaves her way through the deserted streets of the city. They will have beautiful weather the next day, she is sure. In the distance, she sees her goal stand out. The lights are off, but she knows the door will be open. With the lightness of a cat, she slips upstairs.

In the bedroom, his light breathing already comforts her. As she takes off her shoes, he suddenly sits up. His survivor reflexes resurface, and he points at her the weapon he always keeps on his nightstand. She raises her arms shaking.

Dark Paradise - Joel Miller x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora