Chapter One

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"Hurry up!" Crystalpool grumbled as she headed through the grass followed by Wildfire, Echofeather and Honeypaw. Her eyes watched the soft sky as the four cats plodded through the grass a little faster, the Leaf-Bare wind ruffling thier fur.

"Why did i have to come?" Honeypaw moaned as he looked at Crystalpool who was leading the group of cats.

"Because if it wasn't for us you would be stuck in camp looking after the elders." Wildfire snapped as he flicked hsi tail from side to side.

"At least it would be warm." Honeypaw muttered.

"Actually the camp has less coverage right now because of the wind so stop complaining!" hissed Crystalpool, before Honeypaw could say anything else Crystalpool stopped at the edge of the ThunderPath.

"My mother always warned me about the ThunderPath." Echofeather said as he shuddered.

"Don't worry, we will be fine. As long as we go one at a time, i don't wanna risk any of us getting hurt." Crystalpool said as she looked from side to side as she plodded closer to the edge of the grass that lines the ThunderPath, the others edging their was over as well.

"When should we go?" Honeypaw asked as he stared along the almost never ending black path as if he was expecting something to happen, suddenly a monster roared over down over the hill and towards the cats.

Honeypaw froze in horror as the monster grew nearer and the other cats lept back out of the way, leaving Honeypaw at the edge of the ThunderPath.

"Honeypaw!" Wailed Crystalpool as she lunged forward and grabbed Honeypaw by the scruff of the neck and pulled him away from the ThunderPath, the weight of the apprentice caused Crystalpool to flop down onto the grass with Honeypaw next to her.

"Th-thanks." Honeypaw panted as his fur started to flatten and the scent of fear started to fade.

"Are you two alright?" Wildfire asked as he leaned his head down over Crystalpool and Honeypaw.

"Im fine." Crystalpool said as she stood up and shook her fur clean.

"So am I, thanks Crystalpool."

"I dont think you should join us Honeypaw." Crystalpool said as she helped the apprentice onto his paws.

"Why?" He asked softly.

"Because you go scared of a monster on the ThunderPath even though you were only on the edge."

"Well, you see-" Honeypaw let out a deep sigh, "I've never been to the ThunderPath before."

"Really?" Echofeather asked quietly before sitting down.

"But i though that Lightstar took you to the MoonStone last moon." Wildfire said.

"We got as far at the WindClan border and I turned around, i got scared so Lightstar sent me back." Honeypaw sighed as he looked at his forepaws.

Warrior: Darkening Skies *Book Two*Where stories live. Discover now