~You and Me and Babies Make...Four~ Part 1- Telling Ponyboy You're Pregnant

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"I'm just sick of having to meet in places like this" you complain, turning your eyes away from him. "I mean, seriously, we've been together for over a year. It would be nice if I could actually go to your front door at some point instead of..." You motion over towards the tattered chair beside you and he follows your eyes and then looks back at you. He's taken off guard with this sudden complaint and for a second he doesn't know what to say. He stumbles over his words for a second.

"I'm sorry, I just...It's just easier than having to..."

"I know" you finish for him. "Your brother hates me and it's easier if you don't have to deal with him. I get it." He shakes his head. His eyes are heavy with regret.

"No. That ain't it at all" he says softly, dipping down a little to try and meet your eyes." He puts a finger under your chin and lifts your gaze towards him. "Hey" he says gently, coaxing you to look at him. "That ain't why I meet you out at places. I just..." His smile has an undercurrent of shyness to it. "I just like to be able to touch you and..." He looks you up and down and rubs your arm again. "Kiss you" he says leaning forward hesitantly. He watches your eyes for a second as if he's looking for permission and then leans in, kissing you gently before he runs a hand down the side of your profile. "I can't do that stuff around Darry" he breathes against your lips. Your legs feel a little weak and your defenses start to crumble again. "But if you want to go back to the house we can go" he says taking your hand. You think about it for a second but then shake your head.

"No. That's ok" you say staring down at the ground. Your stomach tightens. "It's probably better that we're alone right now anyway." You take a breath and let it out slowly and you can see the worried look forming out of the corner of your eye. "Pony, we need to talk." You feel his hand tense as his body freezes and your eyes flicker towards him for a second. He's staring at you and not breathing.

"Ok" he says cautiously. You know from his tone and the anxious look in his eyes that he thinks you're breaking up with him now and you want to fix it quickly but you can't rush this conversation. It's too hard for you to get through. You take another slow breath to steady your nerves and he lets go of your fingers, dropping his hand on the back of his neck instead. His voice is weak. "Do you want to sit?" You glance at the seat again and nod.

"Yeah. Sure."

He sits down next to you and before you've even said anything he's leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his mouth resting against his knuckles, looking nervously at the horizon in the distance.

"I don't really know how to tell you this" you say anxiously. The pit in your stomach is starting to grow. Pony takes a breath and drops his forehead onto his hands. He shakes his head back and forth dismally.

"Just say it" he pleads quietly. Suddenly he draws in a breath and sits up straight again, turning towards you. "No, on second thought don't say it" he asks you taking your hand again. "Look, I'm sorry. I know I'm always late and I've been real distracted with school work this year. I know Darry makes things tough. But I promise you, I can fix this. Whatever is wrong." he says with a smile that breaks your heart. "I promise you. I'll fix it." You shake your head.

"You can't fix this, Pony" you say, fully expecting to be able to say it now but he cuts you off.

"Don't say that" he pleads again. "Please." You see his body drop and it breaks your heart. "Please don't do this. I love you." You take his hand and hold it to your chest.

"I love you too" you reassure him. His eyes jump to you and dance between relief and confusion for a moment. You know you need to just drop it on him now before this goes any further. "I'm not breaking up with you" you sigh. "Pony...I'm pregnant."

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