Hide and Seek S2 E6

Start from the beginning

I grabbed onto his hand and checked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear. And when I was sure that it was, I pulled Merlin along behind me and up to my room. My father was stupid enough to never suspect Merlin to be hiding in my room, Catrina was another thing though. So because of that, when we got to my room, I quickly led him into the secret room at the back of my room.

No sooner had I got Merlin safely into the secret room that there was a knock at my door again.

"Stay here, and stay quiet," I whispered to him.

"Thank you," Merlin smiled.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before shutting the secret door and running over to the door. When it opened, a guard was standing there.

"The King wishes you in the Great Hall," the guard, Boyd, told me.

"Ok, thank you," I nodded before following him out and shutting the door.

Down in the great hall, it was completely empty apart from two guards standing at the door, Arthur, father, and Catrina.

"Is everything ok?" I asked as I walked over to Arthur.

"Your fool of a brother has lost the servant," Catrina told me.

"Oh, that's not good," I said half-heartedly, and from the corner of my eye I could see Arthur watching me, clearly trying to subtly get my attention.

While father and Catrina were muttering between themselves, I made eye contact with Arthur. He mouthed something with his lips but he did it too quickly so I narrowed my eyes slightly and tilted my head.

"Did you find him?" Arthur mouthed.

"I found him," I assured him.

"Did he get out of Camelot okay?" Arthur asked.

I hesitated for a minute before I slowly nodded my head.

Father and Catrina then turned back to face us and Arthur and I made sure we showed no signs of the truth.

"So... where is the boy?" Catrina asked again.

"I fear he may've slipped through our net," Arthur told her, and I could hear the boredom in his voice.

"You're very quick to give up the chase," Catrina commented.

Arthur glanced down at his feet before he looked back up at Catrina.

"That is because I know my quarry is long gone," Arthur told her, and considering what I had just told him, he genuinely believed it. I smiled slightly to myself when I heard in his voice that he missed him, even if he wouldn't voice it out loud.

"How can you be so certain?" father asked.

"Despite appearances, Merlin isn't stupid," Arthur complimented, making my eyes widen slightly that it took something like this for Arthur to admit it. "He must have got wind that we were looking for him and left." While he was saying this, Arthur had been taking one of his gloves off and awkwardly scratching behind his ear.

"Outwitting your army in the process?" Catrina challenged.

"It appears so," Arthur replied, not even bothering to look sorry about it.

"I thought your men aspired to the same high standards that my father instilled in you?" Catrina said to father who had sat back down in his seat. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that Arthur was sensing that something was up.

"When I led the army, they did," father responded, making me roll my eyes at his blatant blame on Arthur.

"We don't even know if he's still in Camelot," I spoke up, making Catrina turn to me, an eyebrow raised. "He could be anywhere." Beside me Arthur was putting his glove back on before clasping his hands behind his back.

"And that gives you a good enough reason to give up?" Catrina asked harshly, venom spiking her voice.

"No, we're not. It's just that I believe our resources..." Arthur began to come up with an excuse but father had had enough and cut him off.

"I've heard enough of your excuses. We both have," father said, looking over at Catrina and holding onto her hand. "I want the boy found."

"Sire. My lady," Arthur nodded his head to them both before he glanced at me and we both left.

"Excuse me?" Catrina called back to us, making me sigh and turn around. Arthur turned as well but Catrina's gaze was solely focused on me. "That is no way to leave the room when your father is in it."

I looked at her blankly before giving her a sarcastic smile.

"I am so sorry. I'm guessing you wish me to curtsy to you," I guessed, a ghost of a smirk on my face.

"Well, that is the expectation of you," father snapped. "And don't even get me started on that."

"That?" I repeated in confusion.

"That," father confirmed, gesturing to the messy bun on my head.

"I seriously doubt that my hair is causing anyone any sort of discomfort," I commented.

"It's causing me discomfort," Catrina said.

"Of course it is," I muttered to myself. "If it really means that much to you... I'm sure we can discuss that on further notice but as you have just instructed us, we need to find Merlin. So, thank you and good day."

I then turned and took Arthur's arm, leading him out of the room.

But before we got very far, I had an idea. I stopped in my tracks causing Arthur to stop as well.

"What? What is it?" Arthur asked. I looked up at him a smile forming on my face. "Oh, no. I know that look in your eye. What are you planning?"

"Ask no questions and you shall hear no lies," I smirked.

I then left Arthur alone in the hallway and rushed back up to my room. When I got there, I locked my door and ran through to my secret room and opening it. The sound of the door opening must have scared Merlin as he leapt about a foot in the air.

"Bloody hell, Chelsea. You scared me!" Merlin exclaimed, resting a hand on his heart.

"Sorry," I apologised before smiling at him. "I have an idea. Give me your jacket."


Hiding up in a nearby tree, I wrapped my forest green cloak around me to make sure I was completely disguised. Below me around a dozen guards were riding around on horses with dogs trying to sniff out Merlin.

I smirked to myself when they found Merlin's jacket that I had left on a tree trunk. They then found the patch of black ash that had been left behind from the fire I had lit in a hope it would mislead them into thinking he had gone up North.

"Alert the rest of the guards!" One of the guards yelled to the others and they all rode away to alert everyone else.

I waited a while longer until I was sure that they were gone before I jumped down from the branch and rushed back up the castle. But as I was trying to casually walk through the lower part of the citadel, Gwen came running over to me.

"Chelsea, they've found Merlin's trail. They think he's heading for the Northern borders," Gwen panicked and it took everything I had to not tell her what I knew.

"I'm sure he'll outrun them," I told her.

"What if he can't? Uther won't show him any mercy," Gwen insisted.

"Try not to worry, Gwen. Merlin is going to be fine," I said gently, rubbing her arm.

Gwen looked at me with wide eyes filled with worry and not knowing what else to say, I gave her a small smile and continued my casual walk back up to the castle.

I reckon it was time to inform Merlin that things were going better than planned. I mean, that's a start, isn't it?

1837 Words

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