Chapter 9: Golden Era Pt I

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Jimin sat by the bedside and continued wiping the sweat from Taehyung's brow.

"Your energy is dangerously low."

Taehyung chuckled softly. "See, I knew being a recessive male was going to suck."

Jimin forced a smile while putting a cool rag to his forehead.

"I don't understand why you're suffering like this."

"That's because he's a dark fairy." Jungkook said. "Dark fairies and dark elves can't handle the recessive trait. Women can because they're bodies are naturally designed for it. But since the recessive gene was mutated as a survival mechanism only light fairy and light elf men have been able to handle it."

Taehyung slowly sat up with Jimin's help. "What do you mean?"

"Have you guys not learned anything?" The elf king snapped.

"Unfortunately not really. The light fairies and dark faes have been at war for over five hundred years so all we've been taught was just war. Then after getting word about you, the two nations decided to come together. My husband and I are ruling the first joint kingdom after so long."

Jimin looked at Jungkook who let out an impatient huff.

"Before war between us, we used to live on the same land and protected one another from troll and ogre attacks. Many of them stole our women so our species were in danger of dying out. I don't know exactly how it happened but a male light elf and fairy were born and they became recessive which helped in childbirth to restore our species. I don't know how many dark fairies were recessive but all of the dark elves who became recessive died after childbirth. My grandfather came to the conclusion that the dark magic we host in our body can not coexist with forming life which needs the nourishments that light elves can provide. The baby is protected but it takes everything from the dark recessive parent and they die. Your hair is evident. It was the same with dark elves. It's like a timer, the lighter your hair get the closer you are to death. Once it becomes white you will die which will be after childbirth."

Taehyung gripped the sheets. "I see." His voice quivered. "That's very unfortunate."

"I won't let you die Taehyung-ssi," Jimin said gripping the fae's hands. "I've been using my magic on you this whole time and it seems to have been helping."

Jungkook sighed. "We might as well just send him back Jimin. His fate is sealed. He will not survive after he gives birth."

"No!" Jimin turned to Jungkook, the dark elf's eyes widened when he saw how firm his husband's gaze was.


"I will save him!"

"For what? He's the enemy!" He glared at Taehyung who looked down.

"He didn't hesitate to save me." Jimin said. "You're only looking at me right now because Taehyung-ssi didn't hesitate to save me! I'm going to do the same for him. You need to contact the fairy King and tell him the situation so he doesn't misunderstand."

"I don't want to cause a problem, maybe I should just go." He whispered before crying out in pain.

"Lay down, lay down." Jimin helped him settle in bed. "I won't let you die." With that Jimin placed his hands on Taehyung's stomach and shut his eyes.

Jungkook watched as a soft white light transferred from his mate to the fae. His eyes widened a bit when he saw the color momentarily return to the fae.

He left after shutting the door. This wasn't going to plan at all. None of it!


Seokjin paced in front of jail cells where the elders were being held.

The Phases of Loving YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora