modern love life (sasunaru)

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<name anime/manga: naruto>
<ship: sasunaru/narusasu (sasukeXnaruto)>
<AU: modern AU>
<picture NOT mine>
<words : 554>

chapter 1

Sasuke always was thinking about a blonde haired boy who took his heart. He had breath taking blue eyes and a warm smile. His hair was blonde and came under his shoulders also his body was feminine but also manly he was the perfect boy in sasukes eyes. When he was done day dreaming about the so said blond he looked outside his window to see that it's raining and thundering.

On the street we see a blond haired boy with his hair that came under his shoulder and blue eyes walking or more like running to get home. He was always alone his parents died when he was 4 years old and got adopted by some friends from his parents. The names were Iruka hatake and kakashi hatake iruka is married to kakashi and were happy. They are one big happy family they accepet that they aren't perfect and never need to be. When naruto got home he was welcomed by a empty house when he wanted to question were his dads are he got a message that said that they are stuck because of the bad weather. He was crying not because of his dads  not coming home for another week but because sai the one Naruto is dating cheated on him. With a girl that is the worst of all. He just went upstairs and walked in his room. Took some comfy clothes and put them on now he was just in his bed crying his eyes over sai.

Back with sasuke he is again day dreaming about the angel in his eyes. He was jealous of sai what did he have that sasuke didn't was or have all he could think of he also saw that that guy is cheating on naruto. He was so in his toughts that he didn't notice that his older brother named itachi uchiha came in his room. Itachi coughed and got the atention of his brother "Sasuke naruto is crying. He said he saw sai cheating on him with some girl from school." it took some time before sasuke realised what his brother said "How do you know that and also why tell me?" so itachi said how he knew. Sasuke took of angry and sad in his voice, he was going to see naruto even if he doesn't want to sasuke needs to see him.

So sasuke walks towards the home of naruto and knocks on the door. Some minutes later the door opens and what sasuke sees is heart breaking for him his angel is looking depressed and looks like he has been crying for hours to no end.

Naruto was crying his eyes out because of sai who cheated with a girl on the blond. Naruto was so in his own world that he didn't know someone was knocking on his door. When he finally heard the knocking he went to the door and opened it. To his suprise it was sasuke who stood there his so long as he remembered friend. "Sasuke what are you doing here?" naruto asked with a sad voice, "Well I heard that my friend is crying over sai his now probebly ex." He anwsered.

End chapter 1

(Chapter 2 will be down here when I update this chapter)
(So in this chapter I mean)


chapter 2

<words (ch. 2):301>

Naruto was shoked why would his long best friend and longest crush stand before him. "Can I come in?" asked sasuke while freezing a little 'cause it is cold outside. "Sure come in but. How did you get here?" 

"Well your phone called my brother and heard you mumble things about sai and also crying I came as fast as I could." answered sasuke with too much concer in his voice that naruto was almost again crying. Narut was making his way to the couch when his wrist was grabbed by sasuke "What's wro-" "Naruto why? Why did you get with sai?" asked sasuke he knew that know wasn't the best moment but he needs to know.

"Because my crush then didn't see me and just ignored me." said naruto with tears forming in his eyes. Sasuke was thinking who ignored naruto? Then he knew that he ignored his best friend and crush because of the popular people. 'So he has a crush on me?' tought sasuke. "Naruto is that crush me?" asked sasuke to be sure about what he is thinking about is corret. "Yes" naruto said with his head hanging low.

Sasuke took naruto's chin with his right hand and made naruto look in his eyes. "Wh-" before anymore could be said sasuke kissed naruto gently and filled with love. After 30 seconds the kiss ended and sasuke said "I loved you from the moment I layed eyes on you. You're pretty, don't care what people say. I love you naruto uzumaki-namikaze." naruto was shocked 'sasuke loves me' was what naruto tought naruto the said "Sasuke do you mean it?" was naruto could say. "Yes it's true." sasuke answered "I love you too sasuke uchiha." before they again kissed but filled with love and care.

end chapter 2 

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