Hanging out in the nearby forest

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Both Sapnap and a6d agreed to meet after school. Sapnap told his parents that he is going to hang out in the forest for a couple of hours and to his surprise, his parents let him without any other further questions. A6d's parents still don't know about his relationship, and good thing that Louis agreed to keep it a secret. A6d's parents don't question on why he's going to the forest, since he goes to the forest at least once a month to have a nice and quite place to read his Satanic bible. They met near their usual place and started to walk to the forest. Once they got into the forest, Sapnap took a6d's hand and noticed a river and walked over with a6d walking behind him. They both sat down, with a6d sitting on Sapnap's lap while the taller one wrapped his arms around a6d's waist. Sapnap kissed a6d's cheek while the Satanist took out his book and continued to read it. The Christian placed his chin on a6d's shoulder and scanned the pages on his boyfriend's book, seeing that it was in French. A6d leaned up against Sapnap's chest, the taller boy gripped his boyfriend tighter around the shorter's waist.

"You're adorable, you know?" Sapnap statement caused a6d to look at him with a confused look on his face, which caused Sapnap to let out a snort. A6d sticked out his tongue and Sapnap kissed his forehead, a6d, now having a slight blush on his face, turned back to his book and continued on reading. The two sat in their spot for several minutes, enjoying the sun shining, the sound of water flowing from the river, leaves rustling in the wind and the occasional animal noises. Sapnap decided to break the silence and ask the pale boy a question.

"I saw what looked to be like an abandoned cottage and I know that you like seeing abandoned things, should we check it out?" Sapnap looked down at a6d to see violet eyes sparkling with excitement. Instead of saying anything, a6d quickly put his book into his bag and hopped off of his boyfriend's lap. Sapnap got up and dusted any dirt off of both him and a6d. Once a good amount of dirt was brushed off of them, the two linked their hands and headed to the cottage that Sapnap had saw. A couple of minutes later, they stood in front of an old looking cottage. It was a rather small cottage with a pale blue walls, a roof of a similar color that was a little darker, and the windows were surprisingly not broken. Some of nature was starting to claim the cottage back, but it not a lot was covered. The Satanist walked to the front door that was a light lilac color and turned the handle. Once the door was open, the two walked in and saw that the cottage looked like it was abandoned not so long ago. Looks like as if it was abandoned weeks ago. Furniture was still there, some dust was on top of tables and counters, and that there was some candles that wasn't used at all. Sapnap looked at the table and saw a note that was placed on there. Picking up the note, he began to read it out loud.

"To anyone who is now occupying this cottage,
Hello, I decided to not visit this cottage, but I didn't want it to go to waste. I own my own business and so I have a lot of money and I'll keep on paying for any of the necessaries. All of the furniture was left there, since I didn't need them in my house. Some cleaning might be needed.
~E. M"

"Isn't that the initials of the tech owner?" A6d spoke for the time in a while which caused Sapnap to look at him.

"Yeah. Edward McNichols. The richest guy in the nearby town. Who knew he had a cottage right here in Almyra." Sapnap folded the note in half and put it in his pocket. He turned to see a6d checking out the small room they were in and then started to have a sneezing fit. In which Sapnap took his boyfriend's pale hand and walked out of the slightly dusty room into the outside air to help a6d's sneezing. After about a minute, a6d's little fits of sneezing has calmed down, he took out a tissue he had and wiped his nose and once he was finished he placed it into his pocket.

"That cottage is cool, but its rather dusty and it activates my allergies." A6d looked up at Sapnap with a little smile on his face. The cottage looks amazing and all, but the two of them wouldn't have a purpose for it.

"It's not really worth cleaning up. Besides, he just left it without telling anyone. A hermit would have better use for it than us." Sapnap said as he took out a tissue and started to whip any tears and snot from a6d's face. After he finished, he placed the tissue into his pocket to throw away later. The Christian teen kissed his boyfriend's cheek and placed his hands on the Satanist's waist causing the shorter one to lean up against his chest and letting out a sigh of relief. A6d could smell a faint scent of oranges on Sapnap, he remembers that Sapnap would sometimes use orange scented cologne. He got Sapnap an orange scented one for Christmas last year and thought that Sapnap wouldn't use it however, when the two meet after winter break Sapnap actually wore the cologne.

"You still wear orange scented cologne?" A6d gave the taller teen a cheeky smile causing the one in question to both blush and smile softly.

"Yeah, it's the same one that you gave me for Christmas." Sapnap kissed a6d's forehead as he pulled the Satanist closer to him. The Christian teen could smell a hint of cherries off of a6d and so he brought it up.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who smells like a fruit.~" Sapnap whispered into a6d's ear which caused him to blush like crazy and hid his face into Sapnap's chest. This made Sapnap let out a chuckle, since a6d gets really embarrassed rather easily and hates it when you see him blush, but Sapnap likes to make a6d blush. Brings out a side of a6d that he doesn't even get to see often. Sapnap picked up a6d and wrapped the shorter's legs around his waist, he then placed his arms under a6d to keep him up.

"Sapnap! What the fuck?!" A6d's face turned to a bright red which made Sapnap let out a slight laugh. Seeing a6d like that is almost impossible, but Sapnap is able to make it happened even before they started dating. The one being held wrapped his arms around Sapnap's neck to prevent him from falling off.

"What? Am I not allowed to hold my cute goth Satanist boyfriend like this? I like seeing you blush." Sapnap planted a kiss onto a6d's lip and a6d ended up melting into the kiss. A6d placed his hand into Sapnap's hair.

'His hair is really soft.' The two ended the kiss with a string of saliva connected their lips broke. Sapnap gave a6d a flirtatious smile to which a6d gave Sapnap a wink. A6d hopped off of Sapnap, but kept his arms in the place he had them and Sapnap also kept his hands on the Satanist's waist. The sound of grass lightly crunched underneath both of their shoes.

"You're adorable when you blush." Sapnap hugged a6d and started to spin around while the Satanist started to laugh out. After a minute of spinning, Sapnap placed a6d, who was still laughing, back onto the ground. A6d let his hands fall down to his sides and Sapnap removed his hands from a6d's waist.

"I love you." The two said at the same time.

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