Clan Information (Ranking System)

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Crown: This feline rules over the clan to their pleasing. Their word is the law, and they tend to very important matters, such as starting war, exiles, etc. Normally the branch will become the crown after they die. The crown is the one cat who makes the most dwelling decisions, it is the responsibility to make sure the clan is well protected and safe.

Branch: The branch is the second-in-command. They are to dwell on patrols and moderate everything that goes on around the camp. Once the Crown dies they take over that position. The branch is the one feline that can argue against the Crown's word, the work like a proxy for the clan as well. 

Flower: an adviser, healer, and prophet. The flower is the spirit of the clan. They have a stronger connection to our ancestors than any other feline in the camp. They receive omens and prophecies. They also specialize in herbs and sway the crowns decisions.

Leaf: they are the labor of the clan. They perform most of the heavy duty work through organized patrols daily. Some of these include hunting, fighting or just checking out on the scent marks around the clan border.

Cladodes: Mothers of the clan. Cladodes do not have to be blood-related to the kits they care for. They can be temporary or permanent. They bare and care for the kits of the clan. Males can also have this rank, either permanently or during their mate's term.

Seed: seeds are the newborns of the clan. They are always to be feed first before anyone else. They are the future of the clan, any harm to a seed will lead to treason. All are too know the seeds are the helpless of the clan. 

Root: these felines are too old to work for the clan anymore. They have taken retirement to rest, and are tended to by the stems and young leaves. Roots are often tasked with carrying the dead to burial, other than that they tend to rest in the Root's den.

Stems: stems are felines of 6 moons or older. They are chosen for a mentor trained under them until deemed ready to move on. They often tasked with duties such as replacing bedding, cleaning roots, or redoing camp walls. They are to listen to all ranks above them.

Litter: the outsiders of the camp. They are lucky to be roaming free around here. They are either routes, loners, kittypets, and sometimes even exiled clanmates. If any of these cats are caught they will be taken as prisoners.

| Credit: sweetclaan (instagram) |

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