Part 1

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Morning in Seoul always so active, especially on Monday all the people rushing to go work and students go for school. Y's entertainment also same like that, people used to walk in and outside alltime. Yonghwa never wanted to be a business man in his life because he always wanted to enjoy his life and make new memories at his age. But as a only son of Jung family he has to give up his thoughts on enjoyment.

Yonghwa came to office at 9am because he is the main director for his company commercial advertisement and today's commercial product was handmade natural soap. He is busy in supervising the shooting area and check the other details related to it. The model for this commercial ad also arrived on the correct time and everything is going perfectly until he saw the model outfit. Yonghwa was disappointed with the dressing arrangements.

Because the outfit was not suitable for the advertisement background and it looks most common work, so it makes him disappointment.

Yonghwa clapped his hands and asked all of the workers to gather.

They start to feel afraid, because they know how their young director behave when he is disappointed with their works. So they assembled so fast in front of him.

Yonghwa glanced all their face, no one not dared to see the young director face.

"This is what you call your best"???, Yonghwa asked.


"Y's entertainment is known for the best and creative works but what you designed today will ruin the image of our company", he said angrily.

"If you guys tired of working with me then quit from the job, I don't want anyone with incapable working knowledge", he said with disappointed tone.

"We are sorry for our mistake director" all of them said it, without courage to see the eyes of young director.

Without saying anything yonghwa left that place and went to his room.

Yonghwa closed his eyes and put his hand on his forehead and his eyebrows were frowned by thinking what was happened before.

His phone vibrate on that time~~~

He take his phone from his packet and saw the name which displays on the screen and it turned out SEOHYUN.

Yonghwa sighed....., he is not in mood to talk with anyone, but he don't have any options because she is his girlfriend. After few rings he swipe up the green call.

"Yong oppaaa", called seohyun.
"Yes seohyuna, what's happened?" yonghwa asked in flat tone.
"Are you ok oppa? Your voice sounds sad", seohyun said.
"Ahh it's nothing just mood out because of work, you don't worry seohyuna I will talk to you later", he end the call without waiting for his lover reply.

On the other hand seohyun shocked by his behaviour and it's not first time for her too. When it's related to work yonghwa always like that.

Seohyun pov,

I saw yonghwa at his one commercial advertisement location. He looks so handsome and he has the charm which makes anyone fall for him, like that I fall for him. It's not the only reason for I'm staying with him. He is man of noble and he don't have any girlfriend and he didn't date anyone yet too and he is also the son of great Jung family who are famous in and around south Korea and he is only heir so all the will of Jung's wealth will come under yonghwa, it tempted me a lot and with my intelligence I make him as my boyfriend and made other girls jealous of me. Because of his luxurious life I'm bearing all the behaviour of yonghwa and I will throw him away after I gained what I want.

Seohyun grinned with smile by her master plan.


At shinhye home.
On this mean time, a beautiful girl with big eyes and a mole below her left eyes made her looks so adorable. She stand Infront of mirror and put a thin layer of make up and style her hair.

"Shinhye ah, come down fast", a voice appeared from downstairs.
"Just 5 mins oppa", shinhye said.
"You are keep on saying it every 5 mins shinhye", the voice came again.

Shinhye smiled to herself after heard it. She takes her slim bag and went down. She saw a handsome man with browny hair and thick eyebrows sit on the hall and watching TV. He looks so calm and he wears neat suit makes him look perfect. Shinhye admired him, yes it's Lee Minho lover of shinhye. He was always there for her in difficult times and it makes her accept him when he proposed his love for shinhye.

Minho looked back to shinhye, shinhye give a sweet smile and come down to him. He gave a red rose to shinhye and she accepted it with happy face. It's routine for this couple. Whenever he meets shinhye at home, he always visit her with red rose it makes shinhye smile warmly at him.

He stands up and hold shinhye hands and ready to leave the home.

"You guys are leaving?", a voice come from inside kitchen. It's shinhye mom.

"Yes emmo, we have to go now and I will come home later emmo", shinhye said.

Mrs.Park give a questionable look.

"I will visit club to know the recent teens trends and get ideas from them emmo", shinhye said after understanding her mom's look.

After the conversation end Minho and shinhye left the home.

To be continued.....

Author notes:

Hello to all, it's my first time writing stories. So please forgive me if you find any typos while reading and support me by your votes and encourage me by your valuable comments.
Thank you. 💖

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