Act 10:"Jealousy and it's sins"

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-Mr. Yuichi,do you think it's possible Takumi found a girlfriend? Why would it take him so long to pick up a package?
-Stop overthinking. He's a young man just like you guys. I'll ask Bunta later if he thinks his son has been acting weird recently. Is that good for you?
-We are just curious,it's nothing so serious.
-Who do you think it might be,Iketani-senpai?Itsuki curiously asks.
-I thought he has a thing for Sayuki but he doesn't seem interested in her..Tho she stole a kiss from him.
-WHOA? Really? Where?
-In the hospital.
-Damn that girl really is crazy when she wants to be...I don't know why he isn't getting those hints.
-Nor me.
~At Mako's house~
-I want to go out with Iketani so bad..Why doesn't he call me? I hope he will soon..Wait,isn't Sayuki out of hospital? I'll call at her home real quick.
Mako takes her cellphone out and enters her friend's number. She picks up.
-Sayuki! You're out of the hospital!
-Yep. I am!
-When can we go to the local we used to go and talk?
-Well totally not today. I still need a little bit of rest.
-Oh..okay. I understand. Before I end the call,I want to ask you something.
-What is it?
-Does Nakazato still roam around your house?
-Sometimes...He's such a weirdo.
-Yeah,totally. At least if he could do something with that R32..
-Hehe! Don't worry about him. I'll make it so he won't be around.
-What do you mean?
-Oh,you'll hear about that. See ya Mako!
-See ya. Good night.
Sayuki hangs up.
-What did she mean by that?..Oh,crazy bestie of mine..Hope she won't do anything stupid.
-Alright,so it's 6:50pm...I should start preparing myself In about half an hour.
~At Fujiwara Tofu-shop.~
-Umm,hey dad. May I ask for a favour?
-Eh? What is it about now?
-Can I borrow the Subaru at around 8pm?
-Tell me why and I will give it to you.
-Uh...Do you really want the truth?
-Yes. Otherwise the keys stay at me.
-I'm meeting with someone.
-Takumi,can you make it more obvious than this?Just say the full reason already.
*Takumi takes a deep breath*
-I'm going on a date with a girl and I need to pick her up.
-Aha. I knew it. When do you have to pick her?
-She said 8.30pm.
-Okay. Just remember: FILL what you've consumed and NO scratches.
-Yes dad. Thank you so much.
-What can I say. I have to help my son,right?
Takumi smiles and does a thankful gesture.
-Go up and prepare yourself then.
Takumi still hasn't chosen what to wear..Oh! He knows. He will wear the exact clothes he wore when he first saw Sayuki,and some accessories.
His white shirt, his blue Jeans, silver collar chain and a black watch. It's casual but nice.
~At the gas station ~
-So you're back on the track with that girl,Iketani?
-Yes, mr. Yuichi. How do you know?
-That's what Itsuki told me but he wasn't sure. Well,congrats. You better not waste this chance. It's your last chance EVER. The 3rd chance,luckily.
- That's right. I will make sure I won't let it go.
-Good. Will you take her out?
-Yes..soon. Maybe tomorrow or on this weekend.
-Alright..Well I'm glad to hear you have a relationship.
-I'm also grateful.
~At Sayuki's house~
-Okay,I've had my shower now..Time to dress. I hope Takumi will notice I will wear the same clothes as the first time I've saw him. Hmm..but which perfume should I choose? Oh ,I know! The floral one. I hope he'll love it. Everybody said it's so nice.
*Sayuki looks at her watch*
-So it's 19:20.I can't wait!!
~Back at Fujiwara house~
-I should buy something for Sayuki..I hope she will like this perfume. Natsuki and Mika were in love with it..Wait! I know what to buy. I'll gift her a bouquet of wisteria and a plush panda...Hold on. It's 19:40..In 10 minutes I'll leave the house..But why do I have a bad feeling? Not about her,but there's something else. Forget it. I shouldn't have bad thoughts before this.
~At the gas station again~
-Itsuki,come. We have a customer!
-I'm coming!
-Evening! How may we serve yo-
-Hey guys! How are y'all?
-We are alright but..You bought a car?
-Yup. Do you like it?
-It's small but nice....what car is it?whispers Itsuki to Iketani.
-It's a vtec Honda CR-X "Del Sol",whispers Iketani back.
-Soo,how is life in Tokyo?
-Hard and tiring. I barely have time for myself.
-That's rough,Natsuki,said Iketani as an approval. You'll stay here for 3 weeks,right?
-Yep. Where's Takumi tho? How is he?
-I think he's at his home. He's fine I guess. He still hasn't been defeated yet.
-Wow! That's cool!
-Totally!completed Itsuki. He's the pride of this mountain pass!
-Soo,guys,do you know if he is still single?
-No idea,to be honest. I guess so? answered Iketani.
-He's had a quick relationship but it ended from what I understood,said Itsuki.
-I'll pay him a visit this evening,then.
-Oh!And please fill up my car with high octane fuel.
-Right away!
~At Fujiwara tofu shop~
-Dad,I'm leaving.
-Before I give you the keys,is this a first date with your lady?
-Don't make any stupid things then.
Takumi is confused by his dad's words. Did he just say that?
-That was weird,dad! I totally didn't expect you to say something like this!
-Hah,Bunta laughs shortly with his cigarette in his mouth,tossing the Impreza's keys to his son.
Remember, fill it up back and no scratches. Good luck.
-Thanks..see you!
As Takumi leaves the house,he observes a small car coming down the road.
-Huh?Who is this? I've never seen this car around before....
-Takumi-kun! I'm here!!!said Natsuki happily while braking her Honda.
-Oh no..It couldn't be...Natsuki?
-Heey Takumi!!! Did you miss me?asks Natsuki barely out of her car.
-Hi. How do I answer that question?
-By yes or no!
-Just a bit then. Look,Natsuki I don't have time. Do you mind?
-I do! Where are you even going? Can't you see I've blocked the way?
-Oh my..Please. Move. I really have to go.
-Is it that important? I came here to see you!
-I don't think you need to know where I'm going. We will talk tomorrow if you want to.
-Oh come on!! Is it a date?
-You're really stomping on my nerves. Why does it matter to you?!
-Because I haven't had any relationship and waited to see you again! answers Natsuki clearly upset.
-Are you serious? I'm literally losing time...sigh. Yes. I'm going on a date. Does that make you feel better?
-Wh-..What? So I've been alone all this time just for you to have someone already?
-This is really off. Not like I've forgiven you for being with me and the benz guy at the same time. Not that but I've also saved you from a possible rape.
Natsuki runs to her car crying. She is absolutely furious.
-Tell your missy to watch out! I'll do terrible things to her if I'll ever encounter this girl in person!! threatened Natsuki as she leaves with tires squeaking.
-I promise you that you really don't want to do that. She won't hurt a fly. She was captivated by fury and started talking..Oh well.
Takumi leaves a bit late,but he goes to buy the things for Sayuki.
~At Sayuki's house~
-Oh my God,it's 20:10..I can't wait!! My cute boy will pick me up!
But there's something they don't know. Nakazato is hid just around the corner waiting for Sayuki to come outside.
-That whore...She will die tonight. Just you wait.
Takumi shows up at her house after driving at a high speed in the pass,in a hurry. Sayuki notices and gets out. She locks the house,and gets into her boyfriend's car.
-So you got a man...I'll kill both of you tonight. I'll follow you and murder you.

End of act 10

Initial D: Alternate Stage (Unfinished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang