Act 7: "Yellow Horizon,with a nuance of purple"

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Mako thinks she's had a good day. Her best friend is in good condition and will have no problems in the future,and Iketani surprisingly came and now she thinks he's better than ever. Did his driving improve,tho?
"I don't think I want him to be a super driver. I'd rather have him as a good mechanic and help me so I can learn about engines and stuff",thought Mako while walking to her car.
Her remarkable Sileighty starts,the sound of her SR20DET pleasing the owner's ears. Iketani and Takumi say goodbye to Itsuki,as he stays at the hospital a little more with Kazumi.
The two of them walk to the lime S13. They drive away.
-Takumi,don't tell me you didn't like that.
-I personally didn't 100% enjoy it,to be honest. I'm not interested in being with a girl at the moment. It's just not the time. I have a bigger plan and have to find another person to do it with me.
-You said not 100%,meaning you did maybe 20%,ha?Anyway,we should go test it out tomorrow.It's really exciting.
-Sigh..No.I want it now. This evening.
-Oh well,okay,we're driving to the garage then.
-I think I found a name for my project.
-What is it? Wait. Let me guess. Project...Yellow mask?
-Nowhere near. Try again.
-Project Yellow....Flash?
-Nope. The project is called Yellow...Horizon.
-Yellow Horizon? What inspired you?
-Yellow comes from the car, of course,and horizon because I want to show people there's something beyond the horizon,not just in front of it.. And also that I want to show everyone that you can surpass the horizon if you're fast enough.
-Wow. That's something really creative ,but..If people will see you in it won't your reputation go downhill? A pride of the japanese street racing that would drive a german car?
-Don't worry about that. I'll try to not be visible to anyone. That's why I will mask myself and the co-pilot that I'm still searching for. And I also won't drive it anywhere else but to the race and back to the garage.
-That seems like a good idea..But please try your best not to reveal your face. But my main question is..Why are you doing this?
-Good question. You see Iketani,I'm doing this to create a kind of a legend. The driver that appeared out of nowhere and went back to nowhere.
-I understand..But why an Audi?
-Iketani-senpai. This world is big. There are many countries and that means there are many cars. I have an intention to open the japanese people's eyes. To be honest it's boring there are just japanese cars here. We need a little bit of variation.
-That's right. I agree with your plan,Takumi. I hope this will go the way you want it to.
-Thank you. Be careful Iketani. That guy seems to have weak brakes!
-Oh,right! Good observation.
Iketani turn left in the intersection as he soon arrives to the garage. After he gets out of the car,he calls Nakajima,to see if he is still there.
-Hello,Nakajima?Are you still at the garage?
-Yes I'm still here.
-Can you open the doors for us please?
-Right. I'm coming.
Nakajima hangs up. With a cigarette in his mouth,he slowly opens the doors to Takumi and Iketani.
-Evening. Are you here to test out the car?
-Yes. We are here to test the Audi.
-Good. Do you want to test it on street ,offroad, or both?
-Clearly both
-Got it.
Nakajima tosses the car keys to Takumi.
-So,where are the courses to test it?
-Iketani will show you. He will ride with you.
Iketani makes his eyes big. He is not sure about riding shotgun with Takumi but he does it anyway.
-What model did you say it was again?
- It's an 1985 Audi Quattro S1. Detuned to 330hp from 470. The body is pretty weird so people may expect this to be a rally car,but since it's detuned they will be even more confused as they race. Anyway,it's getting dark. Go for a spin already.
-I'm going. See you Nakajima. I'll be back soon. What was your name again? Or do you mind me calling you by your surname?
-You can call me Daisuke.
-Alright ,says Takumi while turning his face to the Audi. He's witnessing a legend. It's time to unleash it. Takumi starts the car. The 2.1l 5cylinder engine has a sound comparable to an orchestra.
-Hop in Iketani. I want to see what this is capable of.
Iketani calmly gets into the car. He doesn't even know what to expect.
-Alright Takumi,so which one will be the first one?The offroad or the on road?
-Onroad. That's where I will race it the most.
-Alright. Let's go.
Takumi drives the Audi out of the garage. His friend starts guiding him to the onroad course.
-Soo,Iketani,where is the first straightaway? I want to see if it will help me while driving it there.
-In about 200m. Before that turn right on the first road and then left of the second one.
-Okay,thank you. How long will the road be?
-You can go full-throttle for about 1km.
-I see. Here,take the chronometer.
-Huh,why? Are you planning to see how fast it will go?
-What else? Alright. I can already see it. I'll do a pull. Start the chronometre when I blast away.
-O-okay..Let's see. Iketani takes a really deep breath as his figure has already turned red. He is scared to death of a Group B rally car in the hands of Takumi.
Takumi goes into neutral. He revs the Audi's engine to 8000rpm. He aggressively blasts,almost as if they were on a rocket. Takumi's mate is pushed deep into the car's passenger seat. Iketani starts the chronometre in perfect time.
The speed is going up at a surprising pace. Iketani can't believe his eyes. They are already at 100kmh and it's only been 3 seconds! They have cruised about 500m when Iketani looks at the dashboard. They are going with the speed of 170kmh. Iketani wants this to end as soon as possible because there will be sharp corners ahead and Takumi can't possibly brake that fast!They have 200m more of straight road. The speed is 205kmh.
-T-Takumi slow down! There are sharp curves ahead!
Takumi doesn't listen. It's as Iketani wasn't even in the car. He proceeds to complete the straightway and brakes. He is impressed by the car's performance. They went to 160kmh in almost no time. Iketani stopped the chronometre but Takumi has no choice but to enter the curves in high speed. He manages to clear the first one as if he was walking. He likes the car so far but isn't sure if he wants it. Next curve will decide it because it's a dangerous one. As you enter it you have to immediately turn. And there are no guardrails. Takumi isn't afraid. He approaches it normally,like he usually races. He enters it slowly,turns his steering wheel and accelerates. He perfectly clears it. Even Iketani can't believe it. He has his eyes big and stares at Takumi. He notices and asks:
-What? Why are you staring at me?
-How did you do that?
-Do what?
-T-that curve..I thought we were going to fall! It was most dangerous downhill curve I've seen!
-Oh. I thought it's similar to Irohazaka. Anyway,we're stopping here. I've made my impression about this car. I don't want to race in it. It's a good car but they won't stand a chance. I have to look for something else.
-Calm down,Iketani. I can change the project's name. People will look at the body and find it suspicious because they read the cover not the inside of the book.
-I understand.. Well..If that's what you want..said Iketani while having a disappointed voice as he looks away.
-And to be honest I think they already know about euro cars. I've heard about some midnight club in Tokyo. They also use cars from Italy and Germany.
-Ok,answers Iketani with full disappointment. He really thought Takumi will race in a Group B car,but it's just too fast to control,even for pro racers like Walter Röhrl,Timo Salonen or others.
Takumi drives back. He still doesn't know what car to choose..He doesn't know what was in his mind when thinking about an european car. It was a good idea to drive cars from different cultures but he feels it doesn't suit him. He wants to stick to japanese cars.
They arrive back to the garage.
-What happened? asked Daisuke.
-It doesn't suit me. Japanese cars are made for me. Not europeans.
-Hm..I see. Well,I hope you enjoyed to drive it.
-Yes,it was good,but as I said it doesn't suit me.
-Yeah yeah. Well,there's nothing wrong about it.
-Takumi,let's go home. Daisuke seems a bit busy.
-Oh,I am busy. But it's okay if you guys stick around here.
-We're sorry but we also have things to do..See you Nakajima.
-See ya.
Iketani and Takumi enter the S13 and go back home. Takumi suddenly has an idea but doesn't want to share it. He instead asks Iketani for a favour.
-Iketani-senpai? Can you drop me off at the hospital? And before you ask why don't think about me and Sayuki in that way.
-Huh?Sure. We're almost there anyway. Hehe.
-Why is the "hehe"? asks Takumi irritated.
-Oh it's nothing. Was thinking about something else.
-Hmph okay,says Takumi clearly knowing what was in his friend's mind.
Iketani drives Takumi to the hospital. Before he drops him off,he asks something.
-Takumi,before you leave I want to ask you,is the project over?
-Maybe. I don't know.
-Alright. Let me know if you decide anything.
-Yeah yeah. See you.
And he closes the Silvia's door. Takumi walks to the hospital's entrance. He goes in and walks to Sayuki's room. It isn't too late so she can't be sleeping. He knocks at the door.
-Who is it?asks a feminine voice,behind the closed door.
-Fujiwara Takumi.
-Ohh,come in!
Takumi enters and sees Sayuki in her bed. She was just looking on the window.
-Hello, Sayuki. Are you alright?
-Heyy Takumi! Yeah I am. Thanks for asking!
-I came here to ask you something.
-Let me guess,you want to take me out and discuss something. Is that right?says Sayuki with her eyes closed and a confident smile.
-Yup. That was my idea.
-But who said I'll agree to go with you?asks the girl sarcastically.
Takumi didn't get her sarcasm yet and widens his eyes.
-Please,can we go?
-Hihihi!! I was joking Takumi-kun. Of course I'll go with you. I'm being released in two days. So I'll call you to pick me up and we will go to the local where I was going with Mako.
-You've got me again! But thank you.
-Takumi,you aren't yourself. Something happened to you. Please tell me what is going on if you have time.
-Nooo I'm perfectly fine! There's nothing wrong with me-...He stops talking as he sees Sayuki with an upset face and frowning eyebrows.
-Takumi I know you're lying.
-Uffff,look Sayuki. There's a long story.
-I have time. I'm getting bored alone anyway. So tell me! I promise I will listen with all my attention.
The end of Act 7.

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