"He's in his room, he just needed to finish up a school project. Something for the science fair, you know how he is!" She replied.

I did know how he was, he was a dedicated student and loved his science experiments. His life revolved around science and basketball, odd mix, but it made him happy.

"Ok, we are just going to go say hi," I said dragging Joey with me.

Making our way upstairs, Beau's door was open with soft music playing. I knocked softly, asking if I could come in. As soon as he saw us his face lit up. At 12 years old now, he was less of a boy, his body gearing up for puberty. He was getting tall and lanky and I guessed he might end up taller than Joey.

"Hey buddy, what ya got there?" I asked approaching his desk.

"It's my project based on electrolytes in sports drinks versus other drinks," he started to explain and we listened patiently.

"Beau, can we talk to you for a moment? We have some news and we'd also love for you to help us," I asked him, immediately sparking his attention.

"News? You aren't moving away or something are you?" He looked concerned.

"No, no. Nothing like that!" I calmed him down and looked to Joey.

"How do you feel about becoming an uncle?" Joey asked him and his green eyes lit up, smile so bright little wrinkles formed on his face.

"Really? You're having a baby? For real?" He asked.

"Yep! We bought you a t-shirt if you'd like to help us tell everyone else? It's a bit dorky, but it will be fun watching them all realise," I explained.

"Yes!" He giggled, completely giddy with excitement.

Beau immediately changed into the t-shirt that read 'I'm going to be an UNCLE' across the front and together we head downstairs to join everyone else.

I entered the room first, then Joey and then Beau. Joey subtly started filming because we wanted to capture this moment forever.

Jessica was first to notice, letting out a squeal so loud we thought Ben might have a heart attack.

"Does that? Does that t-shirt say what I think it does?" She yelled, pointing at Beau. Slowly everyone else looked at him and we watched as everyone realised what was happening.

Harper jumped so fast out of her seat to tackle me in a hug, all the while screaming, "You're having a baby! Finally!"

Sophia and David both cried and Jessica and Jayda demanded similar t-shirts that said they were going to be an Aunty, to which I pulled them out of my handbag having known they would want them, even at 20 years old. The whole moment was perfect, everyone so incredibly happy for us. Joey pulled out the ultrasound photo and happily relayed the details of hearing the heartbeat for the first time, to which his mom cried even more. Sophia confirming that there was definitely only one baby, reminding us that twins run in the family.

Amongst the excitement of our announcement I managed to find my way back to Joey, who wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer to him.

"We have one lucky bub coming into the world, into this family," I said as I looked up at the love of my life and smiled.

"He was already a winner with you as a mom," Joey replied.

"He?" I laughed.

"Mmhmm. Better be, because I'm not sure I can handle being a girl dad, especially if that girl is as tough as you."

"Whatever we have, they will be loved endlessly by us and everyone here."

"Can't wait baby."

And that's a wrap! 😢
Can't believe it's actually finished!
Once again thank you!!

I am already planning a new story. I have ideas and scenes and moments all jumbled in my head, I just need to plan them out. It will be different to this one and I do plan on it having a few controversial themes and be much smuttier than this one 🤭. Let's see if I can pull it off! Make sure you follow me to see what comes next and if you wanted something else I've written, Beautifully Broken was my first story 🙂

 Let's see if I can pull it off! Make sure you follow me to see what comes next and if you wanted something else I've written, Beautifully Broken was my first story 🙂

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