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So after a long time of thinking I umm... I'm not supporting what they did but I can't just hate them right away for something they did. Here is my reasoning why. 1:just bc of someone's wrong doings dosnt  mean you get to hate them, throw shame at their name, or even cancel them for it. 2: if God can forgive someone for the most awful, sinful, and God full things we can too. You can unfollow me for my opinion idrc. I do not support their decision whatsoever but I will still finish the books. They lost my trust and it's going to take A LOT of time to gain it back but I'm not going to walk away from someone that made me happy and put a smile on my face. I was at the edge of the road ready to fly but I didn't bc of them.... Now I'm sorry for what I said or if you hate what I said but thank you for reading this!!

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