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"Ama." a slightly croaky voice ripped Jane from her sleep "Ama, wake up." Blinded by the light shining into the hospital wing, Jane looked up to see Sirius and Remus both sit by her bedside. "There you are." said Sirius with a soft smile "You've been tossing all night, Remus told me you had quite a bad encounter with the Dementors yesterday. Nightmares, no doubt?"

She nodded and rubbed her eyes "You're here-" she said with a hoarse voice "Does that mean-"

He smiled "I'm a free man. Pettigrew confessed to it all but-"

"But the prophecy came true." said Harry "They were about to take him away when he ripped himself free, turned into a rat and escaped- The Dark Lord's servant broke free."

"He escaped?" she asked anxiously "He'll come to kill us, won't he?"

"Don't think so," said Harry.

"Can't believe our rat was some creepy old guy..." Jane turned her head to see the Weasley siblings sitting around Ron's bed "Poor Ronnikins shared a bed with a thirty-year-old murderer for three years-" joked Fred "And before that, you were all cuddled up with him, Perce."

"What about Snape?" asked Jane "I mean, you punched him-" she pointed at Sirius "and tied him up- I helped- we broke like a hundred school rules yesterday-"

"Don't worry." he smiled again. He already looked a little better, a little more human. His voice was still hoarse, but his teeth weren't quite as yellow anymore, he had some colour return to his grey skin. His hair was clean and cut off to his shoulders.  He looked much healthier in general, less waxy- less like a corpse- Madam Pomfrey must've taken care of him once everything was settled. He wore one of Remus' suits, that was ridiculously large on him. He had to roll the legs and sleeves up.

"How are you feeling?" asked Remus, feeling Jane's forehead "Still messed up from the attack?"

Jane shook her head "Exhausted and my head is booming- but I'm fine. It's nothing like the last time."

"There are quite a few things we'd like to talk to you about-"

"Not now Remus." said Sirius, taking him by the hand "I think her friends still have a story to tell her, don't they?" Harry nodded and Hermione, who'd been silently sitting by Ron' bed came into view nodding as well. "We have all the time in the world Moony, let them talk for now."

"What were they going on about?" asked Jane.

"Well-" Harry sat down with a wide smile "After you fell asleep, Dumbledore came by and said, if we had any idea where Black was, we could tell him now, because apparently Pettigrew admitted to everything, and Fudge agreed to have him cleared of the charges for escaping Azkaban because he helped find the real murderer. So your father and I went back to the Shack, and Dumbledore settled everything with Black-"

"Though he didn't seem too thrilled about it." said Hermione, "He said that- well-"

"He said that I still couldn't go live with him." said Harry "No matter what happens, no matter he's my godfather, I can't live with him."

Jane furrowed her eyebrows, what was that thought she had- there was no way Dumbledore didn't know Sirius was innocent all along... "Odd."

"Yes." said Harry "Anyways, that's not the part we were gonna tell you about. He held us back for a moment and said 'It's not too late to save a life.' Which, I was very confused by... then he gave Hermione a meaningful look, said 'three turns should be enough' and left."


"My reaction exactly." said Harry "But Hermione of course just said 'oh why didn't I think of that', y'know, as she does, and pulled me out of the Shack right into the forest. She took out that necklace thing of hers, spun it, and suddenly it was bright outside-"

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