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The Halloween feast was as wonderful as always. Candle-filled pumpkins floating in the air, delicious food, and the mood at an all-time high. Jane was surprised to see her father sitting at the teacher's table, usually, he preferred to hide away in his room during the full moon and just wait for it to pass while feeling sickly and uncomfortable, but he just sat there, talking animatedly with Flitwick. Jane wondered if it had anything to do with the potion, Harry said Snape gave to Remus.

Those high spirits were nowhere to be found however, when they returned to the Gryffindor tower, to find the Fat Lady missing, her painting torn to shreds, and Peeves announcing, it was Sirius Black who was responsible. "I don't like this one bit." whispered Jane to Harry, once they were all settled to spend the night in the Great Hall "You said you saw a Grim when you ran away from the Dursleys, didn't you?"

"Oh, I don't know what I saw..." said Harry.

"I saw it too, like eight times today in Hogsmeade. That black dog, just staring at me from between the trees- maybe... well- Sirius Black wants to kill you right?"

"So I've been told."

"What if I get in the way and he kills both of us? What if it happens tonight? He got into the castle unseen, who knows where he is. Maybe he drank Polyjuice and is hiding among us-"

"Please stop," begged Harry.

"No but think about it," said Jane "he could be anywhere. Ron could be somewhere, dead in a ditch and you're actually lying right next to Sirius black-"

Ron sighed loudly "Ah you foolish girl! Now my cover is blown! Arrr-" he spoke like a pirate and waved his fist in the air. "I'll have to kill you now!" with one big move he hit both, Jane and Harry in the head with his pillow.

"I said no more talking!" said Percy "Please be quiet now."

"Maybe he's Sirius Black." whispered Ron "We could hex him and find out."

Jane giggled quietly "What are we thinking?"

"That you should be sleeping." said Percy leaning down right next to them "All of you, quiet, now! I am Head Boy, you have to listen to me!"

"No offense pinhead, but you're by far the loudest right now," said Jane but went to sleep nonetheless. Her dreams couldn't have been more confusing. Not because they were the usual mess, but because they felt like a memory. And what a memory it was. There was the young witch- her mother- her father looking much younger, Harry but a little older and he was holding a baby and next to him stood a beautiful young woman with red hair and Harry's eyes. Then there was a young blonde man, Jane had never seen in her life- as far as she could remember- and Sirius Black, looking almost unrecognizable, young and healthy, was saying something to Harry, making him break out in laughter.

"Hey Am." said Harry, approaching her "This is Harry." he put the child he was holding down next to Jane and she realized the man wasn't Harry at all, it had to be James Potter. The baby, however, stared at Jane with those warm green eyes and put his little hand in her face. "You're going to be the best of friends, aren't you?" asked James warmly "Can't believe it, Marauders generation two. Time for you two to get busy as well." he joked, looking in the approximate direction of the blonde stranger.

Jane's baby version didn't really care about the adults anymore and instead stole Harry's dummy, just to throw it at him. "Oh yeah, that's definitely your daughter mate." laughed James, and gave Harry his dummy back.

When Jane woke up, she felt completely warm on the inside and just inspected Harry's peaceful face for a while. They'd really known each other their entire lives and James was right, they were going to be the best of friends. Harry's eyes opened just a split second and weakly hit her face like a snooze button "Stop staring weirdo, what did you do?"

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