Act 6

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Bokuto who was still carrying a sleeping y/n has finally found himself at their house he wouldn't wanna wake y/n up so instead he knocks on the door, y/n's dad would answer in shock not expecting a guy carrying his child "um...who are you and why do you have my y/n" their dad would say "oh hello sir I'm bokuto a friend from school, actually y/n and I were supposed to hang out after school if your ok with that, they ended up getting tired and falling asleep so I carried them" bokuto would say rather confidently "oh yes! Come in then I'll show you to y/n's room" their father would say leading bokuto to your room. He'd set you down on your bed still not wanting to wake you up as he'd feel bad "hello dear if you don't mind stepping outside for a moment I'm going to change y/n" y/n's mom would say walking in picking out some comfy clothes for you. Bokuto would walk out as your mom changed you then allowed bokuto back in. A few moments later you'd wake up not feeling bokuto's warm embrace anymore as your eyes flutter open they would land on a bokuto next to you look down at his phone "b-bokuto-?" You'd mumble a little confused "oh! Hey y/n I see your finally away!" He'd say excitedly as he turns towards you closing his flip phone "um..what happened?" You'd ask a bit confused still "oh remember I carried you home and you fell asleep in my arms your mom changed you and I didn't wanna wake you so I just let you sleep" he said respectfully "uh I can go now if you want" he says a bit nervous "'s ok." You said yawning and sitting up "you can even spend the night if you want since we have a guest room right across from mine" you'd say fixing your hair and stretching "really?!" He'd say super excited "well sure" you say a bit confused and concerned on why he is so excited


A little while later your mom called you both down for dinner since you didn't sleep very long (it was still only about 4pm) you and bokuto would walk down the steps and sit at the table. Your mom and dad were both amazing cooks so you usually had pretty good dinners but you can't say the same for yourself since your not very good at cooking. You'd look over at bokuto to see his eyes light up "thank so much! This is delicious" bokuto would exclaim super excited as everyone else digs in. During dinner your dad and bokuto started talking about volleyball and how fukurōdani academy was in the top 5 in the country. After dinner you asked your parents if it'd be ok if bokuto could spend the night and of course they didn't have a issue with it, but what they didnt fill you in on was that the guest room was under renovations right now so you go to show bokuto the guest room and as you open the door it's completely destroyed "DAD WTF YOU DIDNT TELL ME WE WERE RENOVATING THE GUEST ROOM!!" You yelled to your dad as you heard laughter "SORRY HUN WE THOUGHT YOU WOULDNT MIND SHARING A ROOM SINCE YOU GUYS ARE FRIENDS AND ALL" your dad would yell back still laughing as your face goes red and you turn to bokuto who is kinda confused "you don't mind sharing a room right? If anything I can sleep on the floor you can get the bed" you said a little nervous staring up at him "I don't mind sharing a room but I'll be the one to sleep on the floor it wouldn't be fair as this is your house y/n" he says to you


Later on you guys come to a compromise to just share a bed, yes it will be a little awkward but you put up boundaries that you'd hope he'd follow you don't want anything to happen and for your friendship to be ruined. I mean you can tell by now you definitely have a crush on this frosted tipped owl but ofc you'd never admit it. So before you guys went to bed you'd play a few video games and some card games along with making some jokes and bokuto tickling you which caused your parents to start spying on you =_=

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will be making two more then going to bed because I'm completely exhausted so stay tuned!

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