Home is where the heart is

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✨Michaels POV✨

It's been about 3 months since Rose left and i kicked Amanda out, the divorce is going well I'll soon be free, I told the kids they can come stop here whenever they want it will still be their home regardless of whatever is happening. As for Rose the pregnancy is going well, I'm actually on my way to Lesters to get my update i find out the sex of the baby today, she sends me every scan photo the more i see my child growing i regret walking away from her. I just wish she was here with me and we was experiencing this together, i have Lesters friend in North Yankton trying to look for her but its no good she knows how to be stealthy and that's what she is exactly doing. I wish i could see her again and tell her about the divorce but i can't i only have myself to blame.

I get changed and drive to Lesters i knock on the door "Come on in buddy" the door buzzes "How are you?" Lest asks me i sit down "Could be better but I'm doing good, you? What did the doctors say?" I ask him patting his knee "The same thing they always say to take my meds and whatever else, i have your letter here my good friend" he hands me the letter i open it.

Hey Mikey,
Doctors say that baby is growing perfect they have no worries about the pregnancy I'm so glad to hear that as i was worried, I'm sure your eager to find out the sex so here it is...


I'm not sure if you wanted a girl or boy, but as you know i wanted a boy I'm so excited i have sent you a couple more pictures of the scan you can see his little face so much clearer and his fingers I'm also sending you a teddy with the baby's heart beat so you can hear it, i miss you.

Love Rose xxx

"Well?" Lest says "Its a boy!" I say smiling "Congratulations pal" he pulls me into a hug "Shes also sending me a teddy with he baby's heartbeat so i can hear it you need to let me know when it arrives" i say pointing at him "I will don't worry" he smiles "So a son, how do you feel?" I think for moment "Well i already have a son but he's not my blood but I'm not sure how to feel I'm excited i just wish i could be there with her and my child you know feeling my son kick, I'm going to miss his first steps, first word" i say looking down Lest puts his arm on my shoulder "Don't be down buddy you got that teddy to look forward to" he smiles "You're right, well i best be going, let me know about that score" he nods "Will do bud".

I leave Lesters and take my phone out my pocket to text Trevor just as I'm about to press send he rings me

"Mikey, how ya doing buddy?"
"I was just about to text you whats up?"
"I'm bored you wanna do something?"
"Sure pal, what did you have in mind?"
"Well i kinda took over the strip club so free booze and free dances?"
I hear the persuasiveness in his voice coming on
"Yeah pal i gotta couple of things i need to do but I'll ask Frank if he's down too"
"Sounds like a plan when you get here just come through to the back"
"Alright see you in a bit"
I end the phone call get into my car and ring Frank

"What up dawg?"
"Hey Frank, Trevor wants us to go for a drink with him, he said he recently took over the strip club"
"Vanilla unicorn? Damn I didn't think the owner would ever sell"
"I don't think he did by choice" i chuckle
"Shiit well I'm down, you wanna meet there or you want me to pick you up?"
"I gotta go get changed I'm just leaving Lesters now so pick me up in about an hour?"
"Ight homie see you soon"
End of phone call

I turn on the radio Los Santos rock radio plays "Coming up next is Shadows of the night by Pat Benatar" i turn up the volume and drive home. While I'm driving i get into the music a little too much tapping away on my steering wheel, I'm not sure why but whenever i hear from Rose I'm always happy i miss her like crazy and i wish i could see her I've been thinking about just getting a ticket to North Yankton and trying to find her myself but i respect that she wants privacy.

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