Second thoughts

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✨Roses POV✨
I wake up to empty bed with no Mike i get up and get dressed, i head downstairs to make me some coffee i turn on the coffee pot and wait for it to heat up while i do i put some bread in the toaster and wait for it pop up I'm not sure where Mike is maybe Lest rang him I'm not sure, the toaster pops and makes me jump out of my thoughts i pour my coffee and sit on the sofa watching telly.

I text Trevor and make sure everything is ok I haven't heard from him him since we helped with his little big problem, he replies with a smiley face and i laugh a little at least i know he's not dead. I see the answerphone has a message i know its not my house but i cant help but listen to it
"Dad i need your help mom is a mess without you, why can't you guys sort it out? Please for the sake of our family i don't want to spend my holidays split between two households even if it does mean double the presents i want to be a family. Please come to mom i will text you address i know its the middle of the night I'm sorry but mom really needs you" END OF MESSAGE

I sigh regretting what i just listened to... i should have known it was too good to be true, i head up stairs to shower before i get into the shower my phone chimes. Its Michael

I'm really sorry Rose, i enjoyed our short time together and maybe in a different life we can be together but i belong with my wife and kids you can keep everything i brought for you it was a gift after all... i hope you understand.

I feel my eyes get teary i sigh i pack my things and heads to Wades cousins i tell Trevor I'm going back there I don't explain why it just hurts too much i know it was only a short time but they were the best days of my life. I call a cab since I don't have a car still, i really need to get me one i might look later see if there are any dealerships close by. I lock the front door and post the key through the letter box as I'm packing my stuff into the taxi i see Mikes car pull into the drive way and him helping Amanda out the car while the kids unpack it and i just start crying i cant stop.

I arrive at Wades cousins and see the text form Trevor saying that Floyd actually gave it to Trevor and the moved out that's nice i think to myself.. i get in the apartment and all the stuff is still here their clothes and furniture that's strange but I don't really take notice i order a skip to throw all their stuff away so i can make room for charity i like to think of it, this is not how I pictured finding Mike but not everything works out.


I haven't even seen or spoken to anyone for a month i just cant face anyone Mike really fucked me up, lately i haven't been feeling too good I don't know if its my anxiety or just the flu i feel sick all the time and I'm always sleeping so I don't really go to the shops much plus i cant stomach anything even if i try to force it down me but today I'm trying to go to the shops for tampons since I haven't had for almost a month and half... wait a minute i spit out my orange juice all over the floor... this bad i pace around the small living room i cant be I'm too old right? 36 is old isn't it? I quickly get changed and head to the shops i grab a pregnancy test some bread and milk then head back home to my home i finally got me car I paid for it over the phone so I didn't have the chance of bumping into Mike.

When i enter the room my eyes meet his... i feel my heart drop after so long i feel anger, hurt maybe even broken. Since Brad died i had been with no other man and then Mike comes back in my life and i spend the most amazing days with him... for him just to drop me, I understand he wants to be with his family but surely he can be with the without being with Amanda. "Rose" he says to me as I'm stood there frozen i shake my head leaving my thoughts "What are you doing here?" I ask him "I'm waiting for Trevor and Lest we have a job coming up and Trevor said to meet him here" i nod my head and lick my lips "Ok well I've just gotta do something" i tell him and put the shopping away making sure to hide the testing box in my hoodie pocket.

Trevor comes bursting through the door with an angry growl, Lester follows him in i go to my room leaving the door open a tiny bit i quickly hide the tests under my pillow and go back out "So why is there a party going on in here?" I asked confused "This SHIT HEAD here" he points to Mike i roll my eyes "What has he done now?" I roll my eyes "He has us working for the FIB" my jaw drops "Why the fuck would he do that? But most importantly what do they want you to do?" "They want some files stealing from the FIB building, on the top floor." "Guys I'm right here you know" me and Trevor look at Mike "SHUT UP" we both shout at him.

Lest calls us over and shows us the planning board "So we need a crew of 5 if we are going to do this. One of you will pose as a janitor, locate the files and plant the bombs once you get out of the building you need to drive as far away as you can and detonate the bombs, the other 4 people will pose as firefighters, this where you guys go into the building and make your way to the files you will grab the files BUT it is important you don't raise suspicion otherwise you will have a gun fight on your hands. Everything clear?"

We just look at Lest like he was speaking another language he clears his throat "Ok got it" Trevor says "So me, Mike and Rose" will go in as the firefighters but ill have to find someone who can join us" "I'll be the janitor instead" they look at me "Why? I thought you like being where the action is" Lest said to me "I haven't been feelings too well lately so I don't the smoke to get into my lungs" they nod "I have someone who can join us he's a good kid and this would really be good for him to learn" Mike tells us "Ok then that only leaves one more person" Lest says "My buddy Chef can do it he helped me with the bikers" Lest nods "So we are all set I'm staying in a hotel not long from here Michael you can drive me we will meet up here tomorrow so tell your buddy and you Trevor" with that Lest leaves.

Trevor turns to me "So what's up? Are you sick? Are you dying? YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING LEAVE ME" he shouts i roll my eyes "Trevor shut up, no I'm not sick, no I'm not dying and the only time i will ever leave you is when i do die" i tell him he sits down "So whats going on? I noticed tension between you and Mike" i sigh and walk to my room "If you didn't want to talk then you could have just said!" He shouts as i walk away i grab the test box and take them to him "I might be pregnant T" i say he looks shocked "Well are you?" "I don't know yet I haven't done them" i say jiggling my leg due to nerves "Well you better do them" i take the box and walk to the bathroom.

I open the box and read the instructions I've never really thought about children Brad always said he didn't want them and i never saw myself having any. I sit on the toilet and begin to piss, i piss on both the stick and put the caps back on it says i have to wait 2 minutes. I'm so nervous what if I'm actually pregnant? What if I'm not a good mom? Can i handle being a single mom? Most importantly how would Mike react? The timer on my phone goes off and i pick up the tests i see 2 lines on the both of them, i have to rub my eyes i feel like I'm dreaming i pinch myself to make sure I'm not.

There's a knock at the door "Everything all good in there? Trevor asks "Yeah fine" i quickly answer, i put the tests on the side and wash my hands and splash water on my face i look at myself in the mirror "You fucked up" i said to reflection. I grab the tests and walk out to Trevor he looks at me and immediately knows "Its positive isn't it?" I nod and being to cry i feel myself drop to the floor but he catches me "Hey hey come on now, i got you" i just cry "I don't know what I'm going to do" i tell Trevor "Well who is the father" he asks me "Mike" i cry Trevor looks shocked he pulls me into another hug "Hey its going to be ok"


Trevor tried his best to cheer me up and i did work a little he made me feel better, he sat and spoke about what happened between me and Mike and also how he left me to go back to Amanda "I'm going to kill him" Trevor growled "And leave my baby without a dad? Gee thanks" I laughed "Oh i forgot" he laughs "So when are you going to tell him?" I hadn't even thought of that "I'm not sure maybe after the job tomorrow or maybe when I've had my scan so he cant accuse me of lying" i yawned Trevor nodded. "I think someone needs sleep" i nod my head "I really do" i say i walk towards my bedroom "Thank you for cheering me up T I don't know what I'd do without you" i smile and shut my bedroom door.

My best friends husbandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें