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15 years Ago

    I was a kid, just eleven, running from some bullies that were trying to take my homework answers. Id offered to teach them, but they decided to chase me. I was running, I crossed the street and tripped on the curb. I had recently gotten new shoes, They were too long for me so I clipped my toe, thats how I tripped. The leader of the gang took my homework from my bag and ripped apart my comic books. "No, I worked hard for those" I said as he did so. "Be quiet nerd!" He yelled and signaled for his goons to beat me up. They left me laying on the sidewalk, bruises all over, I was clutching my side.

    I was rolling around in pain, trying to stand up. "Jason?" A worried voice asked, they helped me up. "Hey Tommy" I said to my best friend and he walked me home. We were next door neighboors. He knocked on my door and my mom answered, she saw me clutching my side and my lip split "Jason!, Henry Get over here, Jason's hurt" She said when she brought me to the kitchen and started using first aid on me. Tommy left. "Thank you" I said and he went back home. "What happened" my mom asked. I started explaining

    They both sat down and listened. "There were these bullies, they wanted to take my homework answers. I offered to help them but they started chasing me, I ran away but then I tripped cause Im not used to my new shoes. He took my homework and then he ripped up my comics" I said. "The ones you did all those chores for?" My mom asked. I nodded. "Dont worry slugger, we will replace them for you." My dad said. "You don't have to, Ill earn the money to get new ones. But after he ripped apart my comics his friends beat me up, then Tommy found me and helped me home." I finished. "Im sorry" my dad said, we winked at my mom and said he was going out.

    My mom put a band-aid on my lip. "Im sorry they hurt you my beautiful boy" My said, running her hand through my hair. She let me turn on my shows and later my dad came back with a bunch of new comics for me. "Thank you dad, you didnt have to" I said and hugged him, my parents were great. My mom made dinner and then it was time for bed. "Goodnight" I said and my mom kissed me goodnight. "You always get thirsty so I thought I'd go ahead and get you a glass of water" My dad said, placing it on my bed side table, I drank it ans fell asleep.

    I was woken up by glass breaking, I walked out of my room in my pajamas and walked to the living room. My mom was across the room, their was a man with mask, pointing a knife at her, it looled like the one mom used to cut things when she cooled. Mom nodded at me, wanting me to not intervene, but I thought I could try to save her. "Dont hurt her" I said and the man turned the weapon on me, I put my hands up. "Jason, go back to bed" Mom said. "No, don't hurt her, take what you want and leave" I said and the man pulped the knife back. My mom stepped in front of me and the man stabbed my mom in the chest. She fell and the man ran out. I got on my knees next to my mom, I didnt touch her though. "Nora!" My dad said and ran over. He called an ambulance and he then put pressure on the bleeding wound, holding the knife. Mom fell asleep. "Mok, Wake up, Mom!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes. I knew she was dead. "Jason, shes gone, im sorry" Dad said.

    The ambulance got here and so did the cops. They saw my dad and handcuffed him. "Sir your under arrest." They dragged him off as I protested. I went to my mom's funeral and I sat with Tommy in court, they called me to speak. "You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth amd nothing but?" They asked and I nodded. "Can you tell me what happened when my mother died?" The lawyer asked. "Yes, I was woken up by glass breaking, I went to the living room and man wearing a mask was holding a kitchen knife at my mom, I asked him not to, told him to take what he wanted amd leave cause I didnt want mom to get hurt. He was gonna stab me but mom saved me. The man ran away and I kneeled by her. My dad came in when he heard the scream and tried to save her, hes a doctor" I said, they got me off and then they sent my dad to jail. What I said didn't count cause they thought I was trying to cover up for my dad. I ran away.

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