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Life sucks. Well not for everyone but for some reason life has to suck for me. My name is Y/n  L/n, I'm an 16-year-old girl and I've only ever lived in a hospital. See I have Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), also known as Swiss-type agammaglobulinemia, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the disturbed development of functional T cells and B cells caused by numerous genetic mutations that result in different clinical presentations. That means the cells that I have to fight off sickness are not that good at fighting, so simple viruses can kill me, so I can never leave the hospital.

I'm not allowed to go anywhere. I can't go to school I can't hang out with friends but it's not like I have anyways. I can't even go outside. I'm trapped here, inside this hospital, inside of this room... inside of my head.

"Y/n," my doctor says coming into my room. "Yes," I say getting out of my bed and walking over to the bay window. The bay window is my favorite place in the whole world because it makes me feel closer to the outside world. "The kids from that high school I told you about are here so I need you to go to the day room please," she says. "Okay," I say getting up and she leaves the room. I pick up my jagged stone mask and wash my hands before leaving my room.

I wear the mask so I won't catch what anyone else has, so I won't die I also wash my hands when leaving my room to go to the dayroom and when coming back into my room. (This is a reminder to wear a mask and wash your hands.)

I walk into the day room and it's loud. I don't like loud. "Okay everyone gets into your groups of 5 and when I call your group number someone in your group says the person's name they have and can leave off to their person's room. " A lady that must be their teacher says. Then a blue-haired boy caught my eyes, he was tall he seemed much older than the people in his group and there was a guitar hung off his shoulder. Then the blue-haired boy and I make eye contact and my heart starts beating faster and I start feeling dizzy. I need to find my group and get back to my room fast.

"Excuse me," I say out loud and everyone looks at me. Fuck. "I feel kinda d-dizzy c-can I just get m-my group now s-so I c-can go back t-to my r-room?" I ask like crazy. 

"Yeah, what's your name love?"

"Y/n, Y/n L/n"

"Okay, who has Y/n ?" The lady asked "Um we do" I look and it's the blue-haired boy. Great. Just great. "Okay well, Y/n take Luka and his group back to your room please." The lady says and I just start walking away with the group behind me.

Before I go into my room I tell them to wash their hands. I open my door and walked into the room. I sit at the bay window and wait till they are all done washing their hands.

"When your done washing your hands grab a mask and wear it please," I say looking outside the window.

A couple of minutes go by and I hear them whispering about who is going to explain the assignment to me. Then a girl tells them to shut up and that she'll do it. I giggle to myself but I don't think they noticed.

"Hi my name is Marinette and for our class assignment we'll be spending the next 3 weeks questioning you and getting you and learn how life is living at the hospital and maybe even make a new friend," Marinette says. I don't know what to say I never talked to kids my age before well except my nurse Saige. She is like 3 years older than me but she is still the only person I can actually call a friend. I keep looking at the window not talking.

"Well, that went well," someone says followed by an ouch.

"What are we going to do if she  won't even talk to us," Marinette says

"I don't know let's just give her some times she might be shy."

Then the blue-haired boy sits next to me and scoots back so that we are a few inches apart. "Hey listen I know it must be hard for you to live in a hospital and really knowing anyone but my friends and I are good people you can trust us," he says then puts his hand on my hand. He then leans in a little and whispers to me "Expect for Adrien the blonde boy. Yeah, he is not my friend." He says smirking. I slowly looked down at our hands and giggle then turned my head to look at Marinette who stopped talking to her friends to listen to what the blue-haired boy said to me.

"Hi, Marinette my name is Y/n," I say with a small smile.

"Hi I'm Alya this is my boyfriend, Nino"

"Hey, I'm Ad-"

"Adrien Agreste. I know you. You came here last year to meet a fan of yours." I say cutting him off. "Oh yeah, I remember that. It's so sad to hear she passed away," he says. "Yeah, she would not shut up about you," I say, and everyone giggles.

"I'm Luka by the way." The boy sitting next to me says. "Hi, Luka," I say. Luka. I've never heard a name like that before. I love it. He seems so down to earth. Just then my nurse Saige walks in.  "Hey kid step away from Y/n. You guys have to be 5 or 6 feet apart from her. Y/n you know the rules what if the doctor came in she will kill you guys." Saige says and Luka moves away from me.

"I'm sorry, I forgot," I say looking at Luka. "It's alright. Anyways Doc told me to come to check on you. She said you felt dizzy." Saige says writing stuff down. "Yeah, earlier in the day room my heart was beating really fast and I felt dizzy," I say. "Here put this in your mouth I'll go get you so water. Your body probably wasn't used to being around a lot of people. Maybe you should come out of your room more." Saige says putting a thermometer in my hand. I put the thermometer in my mouth and she leaves.

"So don't you guys have any questions for me like how long I've been? What do I that do? What do I eat?" I ask then and they look at me with a 'how do you know face' I giggle. "You guys are not the first school to come to a hospital. I didn't want to do this again because of what happened last time but Saige my nurse talked me into it. "I say looking down. "What happened last time?" Adrien asks. I really hoped they didn't ask that question but they did. I let out a deep breath "So what's your first question?" I ask.

"Oh um.. how long have you stayed in this hospital?" Marinette asks.

"I stayed a different hospital when I was 1 all the way up to 14 then I got sent here two years ago," I say looking down.

"What's it like living in a hospital?"

"Boring. I can't do much I don't have a phone or computer so... I spend most of my time reading or doing school at the hospital."

"Wait you don't have a phone?" Nino asked. "Nope." I say popping the p "That's sad dude." Nino says then get gets hit by his girlfriend.

After a few more questions it was time for them to go. I didn't want them to. They were great company but they had to.

(Time skip)

Everyone had left and I was getting ready for bed when I noticed a guitar. Luka. He did not leave his guitar. Then there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said and I saw Luka.

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