Chapter 4: Complications

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We returned home after our little visit with Jaguar and came up with a plan. Our house doesn't look like when someone thinks of our kind. It is a three-story stone house with an amazing kitchen that I just had to have. As soon as I opened the UV protected glass doors Chris ran up the Cherrywood staircase to his room up the stairs and started to pack several of his suitcases. He was throwing everything he thought he looked good in and it was a lot. Everything he owns he looks good in. I just stood in the doorway and watched him pack. It was a bit funny he reminded me of a cartoon character. He saw me at the corner of his eye and threw a shoe at me. Of course, I caught and tossed it back to him. I left him to his packing and went to go see Mayra with hers. She was throwing all her shoes in the largest suitcase she has and from what I could see no cloths.

"You know you're going to need cloths to wear, right" I asked her? She looks up at me with a pair of pumps in her hands and then back at her pile of shoes.

"Who said?" Answering me with a sly smile as she threw her pumps into the suitcase. She sighed and pulled out another suitcase from under her large canopy bed. Her bed is ivory with traces of gold that laces the bedspread. It was a little much for my taste but to each their own, I guess.

"Don't even think about it," I said looking at her pile of shoes and other crap. "We are only looking for Chris's beau and not yours. So, you and I are only leaving with one or maybe two cases tops. Ok?" I asked rubbing my temple of my head with my left hand.

"No," she stated. "I am taking what I want and how many I want. And I don't need a beau nor am I looking for one. I am dressing for myself and for myself only. Plus, I know for a fact that Chris is bring more than the 'recommend' cases." She said as she continued to pack even more shit into her suitcases.

"No, you are not. Like I said" through my teeth, "Chris is searching for his lover and you are not. One or two suitcases each. Our car can not handle much more than that. He is our priority and not you. So, stop acting like a prat and be particle." As I turned from her she threw a shoe at my head. I easily dodged it and let it hit the wall that I was facing. It made a loud bang on the wall and the shoe's heel is still in the wall. It was just hanging there like a weird art piece. "You know, you just damaged that shoe, right?" I touched it with my right hand's index finger. The shoe is a red crimson color with a unique black red trim. The artist who made this shoe would cry over its predicament. "The designer wouldn't like what you did to it" I said glancing back at her. She stuck her tongue at me, but by the pouty look on her face, she knew she was defeated. "Want the shoe back or do you want to tell people it's a weird art piece?"

"Just tell people it's a weird art piece and let them think what they will. Our kind think we're strange as it is. Let's just put some more fuel on the fire." I nodded at her as she pushed her suitcases full of designer shoes to the floor. It's her own fault really, just be particle and so a Sahara Conner thing and have a to go bag. I traced my right hand over the texture of the walls in our hallway to my room. My room is the color of a merlot wine and no canopy bed. It has a standard king-size bed with no king to keep me company. A beautiful silk grey comforter matched beautifully with the black spiral frame of the bed. It has been a long while since someone was in my bed, I frowned. Couldn't really recall when or who I had last slept with. That might be a problem. Either I am getting to old to remember or it has really been that long. A slight knock came at my door and I knew before I looked it was Chris all packed up and ready to go. I unlocked my folded arms and held up one finger. I walked over to my grey closet doors that matched my bed and opened them wide. I walked through one wall was nothing but party and gowns that cost close to half a billion dollars and other side causal wear. The back housed my shoes and boots, along with my purses and other things. Like, my to go bags for which I have several of for different occasions. All of my bags have shoes, weapons, and other necessities that a girl could need. Each bag was color coordinated with and I am the only one who knows what occasion goes with what color. I grabbed my mint green bag that has a nighttime outfit with matching shoes and other stuff. God maybe I do need to get laid. If I have this much time on my hands then I am lonely. I let out a deep heavy sigh and walked out of my closet to my friend who was still waiting in my room.

"It creeps me out that you have a too go bag. Are you planning on leaving us and never coming back" he asked? I just smiled and shook my head. He is still newish and doesn't know when you have to flee for your life at a moment notice. However, I don't want to burden him with this crap. So, I pushed him out my room with my left hand while my bag was in my right and asked, "is Mayra done yet?"

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