Chapter 3: Essence

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Jaguar is the most powerful warlock of this century and is a member of the First Order of Merlin. Oh he also just happens to be Mayra's new main squeeze at least for this century. He is a 6'7 and the guy is blacker than black. I mean the true color of black like the crayon color with ebony eyes to match his skin tone. He shaves his head because he's not balding, it's to be ironic. Which makes him look so damn good and menacing. If this guy wasn't so full of himself and dating my best friend. Someone would have to peel me off this guy.

We turned into the parking lot of Jaguars shop a few hours after we left San Fran. His little black magic shop at in between a fabulous pastry shop and a whole foods store somewhere in Turlock. "Creation" was the name of the store in which Jag decided to open up against the orders of the First Order of Merlin. It was against the laws of the Order to teach humans the methods of magic if that human does not possess such supernatural gifts. However, they dared not go against him because he was the most powerful Warlock of this Century and they dared not to go against him afraid of the battle he might bring against them. And believe it would be a battle they could not win. He was powerful and scary even for me not to cross him.

Mayra turned off the car and we all got out in eager hast to learn how that man could look so much like Nathon. If anyone knew what the hell is going on it will be Jag. Mayra was the first through the red door that made a little bell sound each time a creature will come in. She was followed closely by Chris and then I. The store smelled like sugar and lemon in which acted like a magical barrier to keep out the creatures with a black soul that wish or tried to do harm to anyone in the magical community. Not to mention the countless spells, wards, and runes that are scattered throughout the shop inside and out. He is even paranoid about spirits and other things from different realms trying to harm. That he even add an extra level of magic in the spirit realm. The spirit realm is not easy to access even the most experience warlock needs help from the power Merlin council but not him. He did all by himself which makes him powerful and scary. I am not easily scared but the moment my friend started hooking up with him made me on edge. And I wasn't the only one, Chris never liked him either.

"Babe! You here?" Mayra yelled over the new hippy music that sounded like crap to anyone else who wasn't a hippy. Jaguar come walking out the back of the store through a doorway that hung strings of beads that tried to separate the two parts of the store the front and the back. However, this was made in vain because one could clearly see through to the other part of the store which he "tried" to keep hidden. He's so full of himself. He wore a form fitting pair of acid stained jeans that looked like they belong in the 90's. He had a black form fitting shirt with a trinity symbol on it that hugged his muscles so tightly that if he tried to flex the shirt would rip which left little to the imagination. His black shirt just happened to match his black boots, which made it seem like he had some fashion sense after all. He walked over to Mayra in a strut and picked her up by her nonexistent ass. She was 5'5 and with her new designer shoes that gave her an extra 3 inches she was still way too short for Jag's height. She wrapped her short legs that were cased in designer jeans around Jags waist and kissed him with her arms linked around his neck. Chris and I just looked at each other with annoyance in our eyes until their little make out session ended. This was the usual for them when they were apart for more than a day and it suck for the rest of us. Chris and I both had no love interest currently in their lives except for him with his look alike that may be or may not be is former lover Nathon. I picked up a deck of black and white tarot cards with skulls on the cover and put them down when I saw the price. Who the fuck charges that amount of money for a deck of cards. I bet everything is this shop was way over price. I bet I could find a cheaper deck on amazon or even at Barns & Noble if I wanted.

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