"Where did you go?" he wasn't anywhere in this room. How could he have gotten back in.

"Hiding. I didn't want to get you in trouble." That was... considerate. Considerate? He's a freaking vampire!

"Then get out. If Chris comes back, we'll both be dead." I snapped. I didn't have time for this. I didn't have time for any of this. I just wanted to go to bed and forget about everything.

"Or he will be." I froze at his comment. Vincenzo noticed. "Relax, my love." He chuckled. "I was only joking; I would never do anything to purposely get you in trouble."

"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes and slumped my shoulders. "But you wouldn't mind killing someone?"

"If it came to it, no." the blunt and uncaringness of his answer shocked me. Why should I be so shocked? He's a vampire who has killed tonnes of women before you for not being his type. Not to mention the dinner in my dreams where he had no problem talking about killing me.

"It's in my nature, my love. Something you'll get used to too." He made an approach towards me and I stepped back coming back in contact with that door.

"Stop calling me that." I demanded. "I am not your love and you are certainly not mine. Now, get the hell out of my room!"

Vincenzo looked less than pleased as the scarlet of his eyes swirled, glooming in the dim lamp light of my room.

"I am getting sick of your behaviour." Excuse me? "You are coming with me whether you like it or not. I will not tolerate your ungratefulness."

"Ungratefulness?! You think I should be grateful?! Oh, I'm sorry, d'you want me to fall at your feet and cry out of happiness. Oh, thank you, my Prince for stealing every single part of my life and humanity I could possible have to look forward too! Thank you for being such a pain in the ass with your arrogant behaviour!" I sarcastically mimicked.

That was a big mistake.

Vincenzo advanced towards me and I miraculously dodged past, causing him to slam his hands against the door. His gaze back at me was briming with a hunger I had never seen.

He advanced again and, in quick thinking, I snatched the chair under my desk and, in a best attempt, pushed it towards him to block his path.

"You, Amelie George, are coming back with me whether you like it or not."

He snapped – and I mean snapped – the chair in two with his bare hands and made a run for me. I had no time to think as his speeding advance caught me and threw me onto my bed. He stood over me as I kicked and screamed before he grabbed my ankles and pulled my down, so he was straddling my stomach.

"You son of a –" before I could finish that sentence, he grabbed both of my wrists and yanked me up to slam my back against the wall, covering my mouth with his hand.

"Finish that sentence. I fucking dare you." He hissed. I would finish it if his hand weren't refraining me from. "I have had enough of this silly, little game. You think you can get my best friend to tell me to leave you the hell alone? And you think I'd fucking listen? This whole situation is much more of an importance that you can ever comprehend. You will come with me and I will not tolerate any different outcome of tonight – fuck!"

I kneed him in the balls.

I took his hand covering my mouth and bit it making him free me and I rolled of the bed, running for my bathroom, slamming and locking the door.

Think, Amelie. Think!

A furious pounding against the door jerked me up and Vincenzo's voice echoed with furiousness. "Get out of there!"

Amelie (ON HOLD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt