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"His smile makes me melt inside"

After everything died down Indigo could not sleep. She stayed awake playing with her mother's necklace. There were nights she couldn't stop thinking about her mother wondering if she was alive or not. Indigo had one picture of her mother holding her as a baby when she was a newborn. Seeing the picture move watching her smile at the camera made her heart warm.

Suddenly she heard shuffling and groaning sho got up out of her bunk. Indigo only had a jumper and PJ shorts on. Walking out into the seating area of the tent she sees Ron on the couch rubbing his stomach. "You ok Ron?" Indigo walked towards where he sat and sat next to him.

He got a bit startled by her "I ate too much chocolate...I thought you were asleep" Indigo shook her head in response looking in his eyes his pupils seemed a bit big but she shook off as nothing "I was up thinking about my mother" Ron moved closer to her placing his hand on her exposed thigh.

His hand sent butterflies to her stomach "do you wanna talk about it?" Ron groaned, his voice was nice a raspy as if he just woke. She'd melt right his into his hands every time he spoke 'oh my goodness what is doing to me' Indigo thought with a small grin on her face "i-its ok Ron I don't wanna get sappy" Indigo chuckles, trying to brush off the fact that he was so close to her. "Ron you have chocolate in the corner of your lip" Indigo points it out hoping he knows where. Ron tries to wipe it but misses so she assist his hand to wipe his lip he looks into her eyes for a moment before he smashes his lips into hers. Indigo was taken back by his actions she hesitated to kiss back. His lips were as softer then she had imagined.

Ron takes over-reaching for her waist. then guides her onto his lap. The guides Indigo hands around his neck. Her fingers quickly intertwined with his hair. Indigo thought she was dreaming asking herself 'is this happening with the boy I've been in love with for three years' The ginger boy pulls her even closer making her moan softly. She felt his smile in the kiss as his hands lower to her abdomen pulling her legs around his waist. Indigo pulls him down on the couch so he's hovering over her.

He stops for a moment and just stares as he touches her silk PJ bottoms and thick thighs. biting his bottom lip pushing his hand under her shirt making her shiver a little as his hands were cold but soft on her skin it felt warm. He brings his thumb up to her lips tracing them slowly she pushed his hand from her mouth and pulls him by his jumper back down kiss her longer she brushed her knee along his bugle earning a groan from him.

Indigo guided his hand to her chest under her jumper she didn't have a bra on which made her moan more the feeling of his bare hand on her chest. he deepens the kiss biting her bottom lip guiding her to open her mouth as he slides his in her mouth. Indigo moans in between the kiss as their tongues dance together. She reached for the bottom of his jumper to take it off but he stops her shaking his head groaning pulling away for the kiss "someone's in a rush hmm" he brushed her long curly black hair behind her ear before he could kiss her again both hear footsteps.

They push themselves off each other sitting on the opposite side of the couch. It was Ginny who seen them two jump off each other and snickered "wow- that mm Ron please cover your tent in your pants" she placed her hand over her eyes, Ron just got up and walked quickly to his bunk. 'He didn't even say anything, was it a mistake?' Indigo thought. She thought is was going well til Ginny came in. Ginny moved her hand hearing he was gone Indigo got up to go into the bunk and Ginny followed behind "soo..." Ginny bounced on the heel of her feet with excitement "were you two snogging?" Indigo punch her arm "what! no Ginny disgusting!" Indigo cried out with bring red to her cheeks.

"What I'm just asking?! Don't tell me I don't want to know about my brothers-" Ginny fake gags but still teases the curly haired girl before her. "I heard you too that's why I woke up I thought I heard a cat purr turns out it was just your cat purring" Ginny laughed quietly as she walked back to her bunk "shh Ginny you'll wake Hermione" Indigo climbed back into her bunk."I'm surprised you didn't wake up with all your moans" Ginny copied Indigo's moans to mock her. So Indigo threw her pillow at Ginny in retaliation and went straight to bed.

Trying to fall asleep that night she kept thinking about his lips on hers and his moans it replayed in her head over and over making her go crazy. Then she thought to herself 'what made him so touchy all of a sudden? Did he make you moan for him? Did he groan for you? Was this a mistake? Does he regret it? Was I getting too carried away? Maybe it's because it was in the moment ugh. It felt so wrong...but so right at the same time'.

. . .

Indigo woke up feeling groggy from not being able to sleep the night before cause her mind was racing all night to giggling in the seating area. She got change walked out to the table pulling her bushy hair back into a hair elastic. Ron is nowhere to be found Indigo felt like he's probably ignoring her.

She sat at the table with George, Fred, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione there all hold their laugher in "morning...what's so funny?" She looked at them annoyed. "oh nothing just the fact that you drugged Ron" Fred spat out, followed by laughter from the group "I did no such thing" Indigo was appalled by there statement. "did you read the box-" George said and Fred continued "we tricked you into giving Ron amortentia" She was in the middle of into drinking her orange juice before she choked on her drink.

As they spoke Ron walked out and looked at Indigo like nothing had happened the night before...Indigo thought to herself as she looked the ginger boy in the face beforehand looked away with a nervous look 'maybe it was a mistake due to him being you know high of a love potion'. "We were adjusting talking about you Ron" Harry exclaimed with a grin on his face "all good things I hope, what's with all the laughing in here?" Ron sat the table across from her but never made eye contact. "Well, we were just talking about how Indigo here-" before George could finish his sentence Indigo kick him from under the table.

George had a painful look on his face reaching down to rub the spot "ow that hurt" Indigo stuck her tough out at him "good it was supposed to arse hole" Ginny chuckled at her action "bit childish isn't it" she flip off Ginny and she just laughs in response. Ron and Indigo made eye contact for a moment, he glances at her. She watched as his cheeks slightly turns red hi-lighting his freckled cheeks. He speaks to change the subject "wheres dad? Shouldn't we be going" Arthur walks into the tent "ok kids it's time to pack your bags time to head home you all head back to school tomorrow" As everyone goes to pack their things. Indigo goes to make her way back to her bunk then Ron grabs her hand "can we talk about...last night" at this point he was just holding her hand slowly interlacing there hands together which made her stomach do cartwheels. "When we get back to burrow not now-" she saw George and Fred watching thw both of them from their bunk  "too many ears" he turned letting go our her hand and his brothers both ran back into the bunk he nodded understanding her choice letting indigo leave to walk back to her bunk "oh and when we get back my door is always open for you" Ron grinned walking back to his bunk packing his bags that made her go even crazier then Indigo thought maybe it wasn't a mistake.

As soon as she got into the bunk Ginny and Hermione asked her a billion questions. "What did he say?" asked Hermione "did he like it?" asked Ginny. Indigo shushed both of them "I'll tell you later he wants to talk about last night" they both squealed in excitement.

We all say goodbye to Amos and Cedric, He walked up to you "goodbye miss Indie" Cedric smiled as he kissed her hand softly as if she was Royalty. She had to admit he made her blush a little. Indigo looked over to Ron who had an angry jealous look on his face with his fist clenched.

She looked back at Cedric, pulling her hand away politely then she shot him a smile "bye Cedric" the group headed back the port key then, head back to the burrow safely.

. . .

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝙒𝙃𝙊 𝙃𝘼𝘿 𝙉𝙊 𝘾𝙃𝙊𝙄𝘾𝙀  | +18Where stories live. Discover now