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"I never thought I'd like a Slytherin, but I love a good challenge"

"Molly did you want me to wake up the boys" Indigo whispered, everyone in the house was still asleep except Her, Hermione, Ginny, and Molly. The ladies all woke up to help with breakfast. "Yes dear could do that for me please Arthur wants you all up and ready to go" Molly verified in a soft tone. She nodded then proceeded to walk upstairs.

Indigo knocked on the twin's door first "Fred George your mum said wake up breakfast is ready" she hears the door handle jiggle as Fred answers the door looking down at Indigo "excuse me short stuff we've been awake we've-" Fred grinned opening the door all the way "- been packing" George finished his sentence.

He stood up walking towards the door now both of them were towering over her. Fred hands her a box of chocolate shape like a heart. "We thought you might want some help with...you know who so bought you this" Indigo opens the box seeing all the different chocolates inside then gave them a skeptical look "this is just chocolate right? And how do you know I need help? I can tell him when I'm ready!" She closed the box while playing with the velvet material nervously.

George and Fred chuckled as they walked out of their room looking at her as they walked down the stairs " it's obvious you're hopeless without us and sure it 'just chocolate' " They both said together leaving her on the steps alone.

Indigo never trusted the twins with her secret crush on their brother Ron. They found out from Ginny because she blabbering to everyone when Indigo told her. Everyone knows except Ron.

"God damn those twins" Indigo shook her head and scoffed walking back up the steps past the loo. Harry came out from the loo seeing her holding a box of chocolates he chuckled closing the door behind him "I reckon you finally gonna confess to Ron" Harry smiled then his expression quickly changed when she punched his shoulder "fuck off harry, no I am not should I go send Cho an owl tell her that you want to confess". Harry scoffed as his breath hitched a little "I have no idea what you're talking about". He nervously laughed looking at her.

Indigo laughed leaving him as she continued to walk up the stairs further going past the door to Ron's room. She forgot she had chocolates in her hand. She hid it under her jumper then opened his door.

Ron was dead asleep she walked in closing the door softly. She ruined his slumber by shaking him vigorously  "wake up!! Wake up ron" she shouted, while he quickly woke up covering himself with his covers "bloody hell!" Ron was surprised to see her in his room, "your mum says breakfast is ready" he sat up and got out of bed. "Thank you for waking me up bunny I appreciate it" Ron smiled as he fixed his bed hair running his fingers through it. He's her called bunny since they were kids. One day in the great hall Indigo and Ron were arguing Indigo couldn't even remember it was probably the most stupid thing, anyway he pointed at when she was upset her nose scrunched up like a bunny so he's kept calling her that and gets pissed when anyone else does.

Indigo could help but stare he's so beautiful in the morning his long red hair, his sleepy face made her fall for him more. Ron soon caught her staring "um what's that under your jumper?" He pointed at it. She pulled it out not knowing what to say "well this is a box" he rolled his eyes "well duh what's in it? and whose it for?" Ron had so many questions she felt she couldn't answer.

𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙂𝙄𝙍𝙇 𝙒𝙃𝙊 𝙃𝘼𝘿 𝙉𝙊 𝘾𝙃𝙊𝙄𝘾𝙀  | +18Where stories live. Discover now