Chapter 2

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Marie and Detroit fought the best they could, slaying Gastiph after Gastiph with their swords. As Marie struggled to get to every one of the evil creatures, one of them slashed her shoulder, making her cry out in pain. She continued to fight, but as she wasn't looking at Detroit, she didn't notice a Gastiph had taken hold of him. She turned around quickly and rushed over to cut off the Gastiph's arm.

The creature increased his grip on Detroit, crushing his internal organs. He yelled and slowly faded. Marie managed to kill the Gastiph with difficulty, and rushed to Detroit.

He was only slightly conscious but enough to be aware of Marie's presence. "Please don't leave us, love. Kellina needs you. I need you." She pleaded. Detroit only smiled and caressed her cheek. A tear dripped down Marie's cheek, and her husband's hand slipped down, as he slowly faded into oblivion. Marie sobbed and realized Kellina was still in her shelter, alone. She kissed the lifeless Detroit on the cheek and rushed to the small tent she and her family called home.

"Mama, what is going on?" Kellina asked in a panic. Marie sighed and barricaded the door with desks and chairs before answering her daughter. "The Gastiphs, they're terrorizing our camp, Kellina. We need to get out of here, sweetheart."

Kellina gasped. "Gastiphs? Like the ones in your stories?"

Marie nodded, sadly. "We need to leave."

Marie packed a rucksack with essential items such as water, snacks, and a medkit, and then took Kellina's hand. Marie pushed the two chairs away and the one desk she had against the door, and they ran to the emergency camp, together.


"Kell, are you even listening to me?" Allistair snapped his fingers in front of Kell's face, attempting to get her attention. She shook her head and looked at him. "Yeah, sorry. I just, I'm remembering a few things." Allistair brushed it off and continued with his alleged story of how he killed two Gastiphs with a broken arm and a dull sword.

"It was really close, you know? I could have died, but instead, I cut both their heads off and survived! Impressive, yeah?" Kell was still out of it after her minor flashback, and simply let out a 'humph'.

"Is there anywhere I can sleep in this place?" Allistair asked, after acknowledging the fact that Kell was not in the mood to talk or hear any of his definitely true stories. "Yeah. Over there." Kell pointed to a makeshift bunk bed. He assumed that the top bed that had two swords on it was Kell's, so he settled on the bottom one. He shifted himself so that he was facing the cave wall, and closed his eyes.

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