16. Symptoms

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Olivia P.O.V.

"Long time since the last time I saw you." Mia smiles at me and I smile back at her. I haven't seen Mateo since I asked him to leave. He hasn't been at school either, nor my house and everyone I ask says that they don't know where he is.

"Yeah, it's been a while. It's probably my fault. It's just that a lot has happened." It feels good to talk to Mia, to feel normal. With Mateo around, there is always something demon-related on my mind. I haven't told my mom about Mateo or what happened in the in-between either. However, Mateo won't leave my mind. I wish I never told him to go. I wonder where he went anyway?

"Are you okay? You look sad?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm just worried about Mateo. He hasn't been at school for a while." I look down. Why did I say that he should just leave? I regret almost the whole conversation. "Do you like him?" I look up at her, realizing that I might do. This is a disaster. "I don't know anymore. At first, I was like, no I don't like him I hate him. Then all of a sudden, he's tolerable, and now? I don't know... It doesn't matter anyway. It's too late I screwed up."

"What do you mean? What happened?" She seems worried. Like worried that her friends just destroyed her own love life. I might as well get some advice. I don't know what to do. I won't tell her everything about Mateo's thoughts.

"I think Mateo likes me, and I've only been mean to him while he was trying to help me all along. I once told him that I hated him and that I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I feel horrible for saying those things to him. He didn't deserve it. To top it all he was trying to take care of me the other day, and I yelled at him and overall threw him out of the house." My voice cracks and Mia gives me a comforting hug.

"It's okay, I think he'll understand, or at least get over it. That is if he likes you thought."

"Mia!" I punch her friend in the arm and smile at her. She's trying to comfort me, but how can I make him understand when he won't talk to me? I'm worried.

"You don't understand. I told him to leave, and he did. He won't come back."

"How can you be so sure? Was it yesterday?" She looks at me with an unsure smile. I shake my head. "Almost a week ago." The school bells ring, and Mia looks towards me. "I'm sorry but I have to go. Don't worry, it'll be okay in the end just you wait." She walks away, and I walk behind her into class shaking my head. She is so clueless sometimes. I don't want to hope he's coming back case if he doesn't then I'm screwed.

I don't think I'll be seeing Mateo for a while. I sit down in math and look at the empty seat next to mine. When I finally get home all I want is to sleep it all away. The curtains are closed. Why are they closed? Weird, my mom never closes the curtains like this. I turn around the kitchen corner and see someone standing there in the dark.

I jump seeing him or her and grab the kitchen knife to defend myself. "What the hell!?"

I can't see the person's face, and to be honest with myself I'm scared out of my skin.

"You know me." The moment I hear the voice I know that it's Mateo. "Why the hell did you have to close the curtains making a creepy entrance like this. You almost gave me a heart attack." I feel a tear leaving the corner of my eye, but I wipe it off even before it gets the chance to fall. Dammit, I thought I was going to die for a moment there. With all that's been going on lately, everything seems so much scarier now.

I turn around and walk up to my room, expecting Mateo to follow me. I hear the door close as I fall onto my soft bed. I'm exhausted. Even though I'm tired and just want to sleep I roll onto my back. "What brings you here?" To be honest with myself, I'm curious. I thought he hated me. "I'm here because I wanted to confess something to you." He comes closer and I sit up, legs crossed as he sits down in front of me on the bed. His side dipping down due to his weight, which is obviously, more than mine. Because of all that has happened I haven't eaten much. I just don't have an appetite when all that's on my mind is Mateo and the demons.

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